Cycling - Mia's Cycling Thread!

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Celia moved in~

DIVA IS MOVING, only announcing because Bear wanted me to take her off autovoid. Will void hee in 10 minutes.

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Voided Diva, lol.
me pls
I love luckyyyy :D

Also, I haven't commented on this thread at all so.. yep. Nice thread.
Ohh did I miss lucky??? I've been up AGES trying to get him from a cycling thread 3:
Sorry, I just adopted him out. Took longer than expected to get him adopted :/
I feel the pain...I think I'll never get Lucky. Oh well, at least he's always going to a loving home. :)
Celia was autovoided, Tipper moved in.

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Moe is moving!! Voiding in 10 minutes`
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