Pokémon Middle Evolutions


Sep 20, 2013
How do you feel about the middle evolutions? My favorites are definitely Croconaw and Marshstomp. I feel that middle evolutions often get overlooked, but some are cool. Haunter is also great.

What are some of your favorite middle evolutions?
my favorite middle evolutions are Dewott and Braixen, they're both absolutely adorable :3
torracat is also really great
I love a lot of the bird middle evolutions, especially Flechinder! Such a cool looking pokemon.
I'll list my favourite middle evolution and list 2 that I feel that are better than the final.

1. Haunter - gen 1 bias a little but thats because Haunter was the only Ghost in the first Pokemon game I played and its design was perfect. Even 7 gens later, Haunter is cool because its an unexpected change from Gastly and that Gengar is pure awesomeness.

2. Grovyle over Sceptile. Grovyle is such a cool design. When I first saw Sceptile, I was so glad I picked Mudkip as a starter. Swampert for Life.

3. Sliggoo over Goodra. Sliggoo has the cuteness of Goomy, which is one of my gen 6 mons, if I had a top 10 gen 6 list Goomy would be the only prevo on the list. What grinds my gears on Goodra is that they opted for the Dragonite approach and made Goodra incredibly cartoonish...and pure Dragon.
For me, middle evos are either awkward middle school stages or their best stages.


Quilladin - awkward middle school stage
Braixen - best stage

That said, I do like Braixen, Quilava, Bayleef and Dewott.
Bulbasaur was my favourite Pokémon since I was probably 8, and lately I've found myself thinking Ivysaur might actually be my favourite. 🤷‍♀️

My attempt at making an Ivysaur jumper in AC: