Ahh thanks Baeee <3 I'll try ;D Ahahaha <3Love it!!! Show us more +u+ haha <3
HAHAA DUDE SAMEEE!! I love winter and blue <3You used my favorite color+season=win ;D
Ahh thanks Baeee <3 I'll try ;D Ahahaha <3Love it!!! Show us more +u+ haha <3
HAHAA DUDE SAMEEE!! I love winter and blue <3You used my favorite color+season=win ;D
Ahh thanks Baeee <3 I'll try ;D Ahahaha <3
HAHAA DUDE SAMEEE!! I love winter and blue <3
Ahh thanks Baeee <3 I'll try ;D Ahahaha <3
HAHAA DUDE SAMEEE!! I love winter and blue <3
So pretty *_*
AHHH SUPER LATE BUT THANK YOU!!! I literally thought I replied to all of you guys already!! ;v ; <3You are so welcome ^__^ Really love the patterns used on those bottom ones : O and the wreath & wren looks so perfect<3
Ahhh thank you Cam!!Ooh the bottom ones are really nice!
Thanks derezzed!! It's always nice hearing your input!!Love the text effects and backgrounds :-O
This one is really cool in particular:
The textures you used and the dragon itself look amazing together; my conclusion is that you need to do more red stuff, because you work really well with red too!! Seriously.
You're doing great Miharuuuu!! <3
keep up the awesome work ;D
These look fantastic ;D
Ahhh thank you so much!! >//v//<OH MY GOD you're so good ;u; keep up the good work <3
Is there any way you can share the .PSD file of this signature of yours? Fr learning purposes mostly, always wanted to know how you do the lighting thingy o:
Ahh thank you so much!! XD Yeah I'm trying out different ways I could make them so they aren't all the same format/look!! x] Hahaha thank you! ; v; It's pretty busy!!Oooh, those are seriously cool Miharu. I really like how you change it up and make each one different; it shows how flexible you are ;-]
It definitely looks like your shop is doing great! :-D
Oh, and also-
I had no idea you could make, like, tech-themed dragons on FR o_o
Are those designs actually on their wings or did you just put them there?
Ahhh thank you so much!! >//v//<
How do I share PSD files? XD
And what lighting thing are you talking about? O:
Ahh thank you so much!! XD Yeah I'm trying out different ways I could make them so they aren't all the same format/look!! x] Hahaha thank you! ; v; It's pretty busy!!
OH The designs are actually on their wings!! They are pretty awesome looking dragons! XD
Ahhh thank you so much!! >//v//<
How do I share PSD files? XD
And what lighting thing are you talking about? O: