Oh no hahaha all the icons on my OP were requests and were requested that way hahaha XD A lot of people like borders on their icons so that's why hahaha XD Oh gosh!! Thanks for pointing that out!!! ; __ ; I did erase part of the sharpening when I sharpened it, but now that I see it, I should turn down the opacity even more. I was making this at 4am bwuahahaha! Thanks for point that out again! XD
Ohhh thanks for the advice! I'll definitely experiment with it on my next gfx! <:
Also here's the icon a lot less sharpened, with and without a border hahaha XD
Thank you so much again!! Your advice is always supremely helpful! > v<
OH then yeah, you can't really argue with the customer
But it's no problem, the same thing happened to me too actually! In the past, when I looked at my graphics after making them, I realized that a lot were too sharp so now I just try to sharpen things as little as possible, lol. It turns out less is more when it comes to sharpening, unless a Gaussian Blur was applied to the image like three times or something.
I love the after version of the icon! Looks great ;-]
Ah, and your latest graphics are amazing too. The banner you did for Keitara's shop is super stunning in particular. I want to ask, did you use a lot of brushwork in that one? Because it's got this dreamy vibe going on and I'm pretty curious as to how you achieved that! My guess is a bunch of textures combined with stuff like cloud brushes or something similar. Nevertheless, the coloring's great and so is the text!
And speaking of text, the text in the Umbreon tag is lovely as well. The reflection effect worked out great! :-]
Gosh why is your gfx so good, Miharu?
Icon for Patypus! c:
Hahaha thank you!! >//v/<o my gosh that one is very good!
YAAYYY!!! NO PROBLEM AT ALL!! HAHA XD I'm so happy you love it!!!! <3OMG!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LOL I LOVE IT!! <3 <3 <3
Just joined Flight Rising and made myself a tag! >//v/< Too bad max dimensions are 500 x 100 ; v; So I made it 400 x 100 haha <3
Icon for Patypus! c:
Finished icon for neester14! c:
WHOA Flight Rising, huh? I have siblings who are obsessed with that website. I don't really see the appeal in it myself, but I'm sure that it can be addicting for people that are into dragons haha.
Anyway, I like how the background matches with the dragon. It's very well done, and so is the text!
I really like the lighting effects you put on these icons! Now, I'm curious as to what color you think you work with the best. Because honestly, you're great with blue, so is it due to bias? Lmao.
This time around I don't have that much C+C to provide, buuut I would suggest adding some variation to your color schemes. A monocolor icon is great, but sometimes it's easy to get carried away with those. Try adding backgrounds that are of an opposite color, for example. This usually makes the icon pop out even more, especially if the two colors contrast with each other, and ultimately makes the graphic more interesting :-]