Miiverse Administration and World War 3...

You should've made a post that just said marijuana instead since that's okay to say.
The things they do and don't ban are very questionable.
Several posts about the Paris attack were deleted by admins.
I'm starting to think the admins did it, to be honest.
ok well there r 10 year olds (and maybe even some older) who are terrified by war so clearly u cant lol
People spread dumb rumors on the Internet that equally dumb people fall for, and considering how safe Nintendo likes to be, I don't think they'd want to be blamed for that kind of thing.
My friend got a ban because I drew multiple suggestive Splatoon pictures and 1 penis whilst he left the room to make some food.
Well, I guess they don't want their young, naive, 'stupid' players to cry. Weird.
I didn't get banned, but my profile got a sort of "lock", because I posted my YouTube and Steam names on my profile. I had to remove them and then reply to that notification to get it "unlocked".

Okay. Whatever.
Well um, it isn't that weird though, it can be insulting for some people... I guess? Idk...
That still makes no sense to me. I mean, getting friend requests on a Wii U isn't banned. So why can people get banned for sharing 3DS friend codes?

And you can also Wii U chat with strangers and the Admins have no problem with that. You can also add people on your Wii U by just typing in their NNID, you don't even need a friend request.

Also, half of the ACNL community is nine year olds that know nothing about the game. And they all think that they can just open their gates and have anyone in the world visit their town. So you have the community filled with "my gates are open, plz visit, just select faraway and click on my town!" I used to tell these kids all the time that wasn't the way it worked. But I gave up. Tons of them still do it to this day. I hate it. If the admins let us use FC's, this would stop. Well, actually it would still continue, but instead of replying with "You need friend codes, and you can't exchange them on here so you'll forever be a lonely person who was no one to visit their town" you can say "you need friend codes, but I'd like to visit your town, what's your friend code?" Or "you need friend codes, but there's a lot of people here who would be interested in exchanging friend codes with you."
Although stealing would be an issue, smart people won't open their gates for any old person. If someone gets stolen from, let it be their issue.
Well um, it isn't that weird though, it can be insulting for some people... I guess? Idk...

The problem nowadays is people get offended way too easily. It's annoying having to watch what you say all the time. Not that I'm defending his WW3 post. I don't know the full background behind it.