Mind = Blown

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Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
Throwback Tickets
Lump of Coal
Dark Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Purple Feather
Pink Feather
Blue Feather
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data='http://www.youtube.com/v/nBJV56WUDng'>
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The reason why the phloem bundles (the stringy bananaey bits) come off when you peel a banana is because you're peeling it against the grain, what we class as the top is actually the root/bottom.

It amuses me that monkeys know how to properly peel a banana, yet most humans don't.
kalinn said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
Jas0n said:
kalinn said:
Brb, going to get a banana!

Edit: It broke in half D:
How do you break a banana in half by squeezing the end? XD
You squish it by accident.
This. lol
I squeezed it.. and it fell on the floor and broke.
Only you could do that. In which case, you win again! How does this make you feel?
Mr. Phoenix said:
kalinn said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
Jas0n said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
You squish it by accident.
This. lol
I squeezed it.. and it fell on the floor and broke.
Only you could do that. In which case, you win again! How does this make you feel?
I feel bad about dropping a perfectly good banana.
And how starving children in Indonesia dont have bananas and I just threw mine on the floor.
kalinn said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
kalinn said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
This. lol
I squeezed it.. and it fell on the floor and broke.
Only you could do that. In which case, you win again! How does this make you feel?
I feel bad about dropping a perfectly good banana.
And how starving children in Indonesia dont have bananas and I just threw mine on the floor.
You could've eaten it.
Mr. Phoenix said:
kalinn said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
kalinn said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Only you could do that. In which case, you win again! How does this make you feel?
I feel bad about dropping a perfectly good banana.
And how starving children in Indonesia dont have bananas and I just threw mine on the floor.
You could've eaten it.
Darn :/
...I didn't know people opened bananas from their root xD I never saw anyone eat a banana before. I always did it like in the video... guess, ama monkey.
SSgt. Garrett said:
...I didn't know people opened bananas from their root xD I never saw anyone eat a banana before. I always did it like in the video... guess, ama monkey.
/old news

i heard about this before, i forget where though..
but anyway I think its easier to peel a banana the "human" way =p
I remember hearing this somewhere, i still opened it from the stem though :s
My life is now complete. I now must go and try this!

Also after all the banana related topics that Jas0n posted, I gathered that he must really have a thing for bananas! >:3
Nixie said:
My life is now complete. I now must go and try this!

Also after all the banana related topics that Jas0n posted, I gathered that he must really have a thing for bananas! >:3
Bananas are beast... but not the kind of bananas that aren't fruity and yellow, they're ew.
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