Bell Tree Direct - 9.8.2014

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Loved the podcast guys! I definitely think it's something you should keep doing every once in a while!
No hints this time! Countdown will go up in the Shop ~30 minutes prior, be there or be circle!

Love this saying ^^
Definitely going to try and use it in the future :L

Oh I should have screen shot it, I was going to

- - - Post Merge - - -

So no more letter restocks? :(

I was hoping for one more letter restock...
Been trying to get the remaining letters since I joined the forum lol
Thank you for releasing so many, and at so many different times throughout the week. :)
Crossover from Restock thread:

Glad to see in the logs some new people managed to grab this time! :)

Think we've covered nearly every time of the day now, except for one or maybe two blocks, one of which will be tomorrow's! Work it out yourself!
Ooh, that's great news! I was under the impression that the last restock was happening today; good to know we have some weekend restocks to look forward to. :)
I agree, this was a really fun way of doing it. It was still exciting to get them. Even if someone missed the restocking, they had a few chances to get the items. And if someone comes along later and wants to get them on the market, there will be a lot of sellers, so it'll still be a fair price. I hope they consider doing other restocks in the future this way too. :)
Yeh, it was really awesome to have multiple restocks. Especially enough to cover all the regions/time zones.

Just a shame the letters only got restocked the once... I guess that's how you retain their rarity though.
I will complete them one day xD

Thanks guys.
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