
AndyB said:
The server isn't going to be public for some time now.
We're having troubles keeping people in the game.. other than me. This what was said: "[INFO] Razputin005 lost connection: disconnect.overflow"
High server traffic, I don't know.

Anyway, here's the last of what had gone on there: <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
It's the beta, I'm having the same troubles with my server. There's an issue where people are being forced to try and download too much information at once and it kicks them off the server. If you create a new map it /should/ be okay. It depends on the person though.

Sporge said:
I may try and start up a server again, eventually. It just takes extra effort through a wireless router :/
It's really not that much work. I got mine set up really easily. You just need to make sure your computer has a static IP which takes a few minutes to do, after that it's just a matter of port forwarding to allow the port that the minecraft server uses, which if you know how to access your router's web page and the virtual servers page, it takes a few minutes to do also.
Jas0n said:
It's the beta, I'm having the same troubles with my server. There's an issue where people are being forced to try and download too much information at once and it kicks them off the server. If you create a new map it /should/ be okay. It depends on the person though.

Sporge said:
I may try and start up a server again, eventually. It just takes extra effort through a wireless router :/
It's really not that much work. I got mine set up really easily. You just need to make sure your computer has a static IP which takes a few minutes to do, after that it's just a matter of port forwarding to allow the port that the minecraft server uses, which if you know how to access your router's web page and the virtual servers page, it takes a few minutes to do also.
Bull*censored.2.0* am I making a new map. It took so long to find a decent, good looking map.
AndyB said:
Jas0n said:
It's the beta, I'm having the same troubles with my server. There's an issue where people are being forced to try and download too much information at once and it kicks them off the server. If you create a new map it /should/ be okay. It depends on the person though.

Sporge said:
I may try and start up a server again, eventually. It just takes extra effort through a wireless router :/
It's really not that much work. I got mine set up really easily. You just need to make sure your computer has a static IP which takes a few minutes to do, after that it's just a matter of port forwarding to allow the port that the minecraft server uses, which if you know how to access your router's web page and the virtual servers page, it takes a few minutes to do also.
Bull*censored.2.0* am I making a new map. It took so long to find a decent, good looking map.
Well you can keep your current map, I just made a new one that I could play on until it was fixed. Just create a separate folder for a 2nd map.
I just made a huge hole in the ground and trapped a Pig in it, so now I have like a tiny well that I can look at whenever I wanna see my pet pig Porkers.
AndyB said:
Jas0n said:
It's the beta, I'm having the same troubles with my server. There's an issue where people are being forced to try and download too much information at once and it kicks them off the server. If you create a new map it /should/ be okay. It depends on the person though.

Sporge said:
I may try and start up a server again, eventually. It just takes extra effort through a wireless router :/
It's really not that much work. I got mine set up really easily. You just need to make sure your computer has a static IP which takes a few minutes to do, after that it's just a matter of port forwarding to allow the port that the minecraft server uses, which if you know how to access your router's web page and the virtual servers page, it takes a few minutes to do also.
Bull*censored.2.0* am I making a new map. It took so long to find a decent, good looking map.
make a new map, transfer the section of the map we've been using to it. :J
Okay you guys, so I have an animal problem. I made the perfect greenhouse and I made sure the only entrance is the door... which I close. How are the cows getting inside?
gamerdude309 said:
Okay you guys, so I have an animal problem. I made the perfect greenhouse and I made sure the only entrance is the door... which I close. How are the cows getting inside?
they spawn on grass, i believe.
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I made some sort of "water" thing. I'm not sure to tell if its a pool or not, doesn't seem to much like it :p . Pretty fun with the boat, sort of like a water slide up :3 What was one of your fun creations?
Oh baw. I died. o_o
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
AndyB said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Flag reminds me of a mob's face. :p
AndyB said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Yar har, me 'arty!

It would be awesome if you could actually sail it :p
YouLittleElly said:
AndyB said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Flag reminds me of a mob's face. :p
Well it is meant to be the Creeper's face.
Does this mean that you got your server up and running again Andy? I would love to be able to finish my fort... lol.
Psychonaut said:
gamerdude309 said:
Okay you guys, so I have an animal problem. I made the perfect greenhouse and I made sure the only entrance is the door... which I close. How are the cows getting inside?
they spawn on grass, i believe.
actually they spawn anywhere there's torchlight and/or grass.
For people who play on " Easy - Normal - Hard ". Do you kill mobs manually ( IE - Sword, Bow and Arrow) Or do you have a machine to do it with you? If so. Mind sharing it? I'm currently using one of them that i saw on a video and i plan to do different types so i can tell which works better and which doesn't :) Thanks.
YouLittleElly said:
For people who play on " Easy - Normal - Hard ". Do you kill mobs manually ( IE - Sword, Bow and Arrow) Or do you have a machine to do it with you? If so. Mind sharing it? I'm currently using one of them that i saw on a video and i plan to do different types so i can tell which works better and which doesn't :) Thanks.
i failed to create a mob-drowning device, if that counts.

pretty sure it woulda worked if i had followed a tutorial or whatnot, but i was doing it by eye/myself, beyond the general idea

i've heard cactus + netherstone (on fire) is a nice wall, if you can get the netherstone/get to the nether.
Psychonaut said:
YouLittleElly said:
For people who play on " Easy - Normal - Hard ". Do you kill mobs manually ( IE - Sword, Bow and Arrow) Or do you have a machine to do it with you? If so. Mind sharing it? I'm currently using one of them that i saw on a video and i plan to do different types so i can tell which works better and which doesn't :) Thanks.
i failed to create a mob-drowning device, if that counts.

pretty sure it woulda worked if i had followed a tutorial or whatnot, but i was doing it by eye/myself, beyond the general idea

i've heard cactus + netherstone (on fire) is a nice wall, if you can get the netherstone/get to the nether.
Oh baw. I don't have obsidian yet. `-`. I got some cactus next to me. I might get an idea from it.