
oooo I notice Linkerator playing on steam, and ended up joining his server for a bit of fun. I hadn't talked to him in a while lol
Hey you guys whats up with these capes?

Psychonaut said:
gamerdude309 said:
Yes they do. Notch didn't even post notes or anything about the capes.
yes he did.

i remember reading it on the blog, or somewhere. :/
I remember he was talking about developer capes when beta released.

EDIT: New Years Cloak
Psychonaut said:
gamerdude309 said:
Yes they do. Notch didn't even post notes or anything about the capes.
yes he did.

i remember reading it on the blog, or somewhere. :/
From his blog:
Minecraft Beta said:
* On a whim, added super exclusive clan cloaks for Mojang Employees
So he has mentioned that there are cloaks/capes.
What sucks about these cloaks is that they are only here until New Years is over. =[
right, i thought they were strictly for devs as well.. but i guess he ended up giving them to everyone. cool beans.

or maybe it's for alpha-players? :eek:
Wasn't needed to reply to that... been a forever sine either cared/they looked here.