
So hi, I started playing Minecraft about three days ago and it's a blast...
I've gotten my base started and a few caves nearby but I've run into a problem.

I've made a compass and have started sailing but... last time I went sailing I got hopelessly lost.

...I cried.

The reason is because my compass points to my spawn point which is a few miles away from my base...
I finally found my way back but can't recall for the life of me how to get from my spawn point to the island I live on...
Question: Can I change where my spawn point is so that I don't have to cry anymore?
So hi, I started playing Minecraft about three days ago and it's a blast...
I've gotten my base started and a few caves nearby but I've run into a problem.

I've made a compass and have started sailing but... last time I went sailing I got hopelessly lost.

...I cried.

The reason is because my compass points to my spawn point which is a few miles away from my base...
I finally found my way back but can't recall for the life of me how to get from my spawn point to the island I live on...
Question: Can I change where my spawn point is so that I don't have to cry anymore?

Only with Mods. I had a mod which a friend made for Alpha. It allowed me controls like a server, it won't work on current versions and he won't update it. So I cannot share it (Plus he held me to liscence so I can't give it out anyway).

The best thing to do would be to go randomly running around, so place a chest with all your valuble items at your spawn point. Then run to find your base. Upon finding it start making a path of something, like cobble stone or torches, all the way back to the spawn point. If you ever die again you will then be able to find your way home easily. It's what I do to make sure I don't loose good bases.

Then again I tend not to go to far from my spawn point. Often building immediatly around it.
This. :/

I know the difference, heck you know what game had a random seed enter-able to generate a map in the olden days? The first sim city.

Like I said, I wasn't trying to insult your intelligence. I just know not alot of people have experience in certain parts of the game. I was just making sure.

Plus I think word based seeds don't work as well. I've typed 'Awesome' and got completely different worlds each time.
So hi, I started playing Minecraft about three days ago and it's a blast...
I've gotten my base started and a few caves nearby but I've run into a problem.

I've made a compass and have started sailing but... last time I went sailing I got hopelessly lost.

...I cried.

The reason is because my compass points to my spawn point which is a few miles away from my base...
I finally found my way back but can't recall for the life of me how to get from my spawn point to the island I live on...
Question: Can I change where my spawn point is so that I don't have to cry anymore?

When the new update comes out you will be able to. That'll come from beds, so when you sleep in it, that will then be your spawn point.
Beta 1.4 shouldn't too far away.

@Aeri about spawns/seeds, you will get the same world. You just don't spawn in the same place!
It's quite a big area that it does spawn, so you'll have to look around for landmarks. I've used the same seed and got the same world.
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Andy is ahead of me :p, it is the same world, just the spawn point still varies, aside from constraints that make a certain location more likely anyway.

explore enough and you will find the same places though.
I should really get back to the server map. There's alot I still want to build lol.
Alot of the castle town to do, bridges to finish.
Does anyone have a server I can go on? I would make one myself but 1) I don't know how, 2) I use a laptop and I don't think it would handle managing a server.
i love my first world because there is a hugely expansive cave under my original base.
i'm building a skyway rail station or whatnot, so far i have three stops built, but lack of iron meant i couldn't build tracks.. no more!

but now i'm obsessing over the diamond i couldn't mine due to no resources. :(
oh well. pics when it's done, i guess. really like how i've done so far, i guess.
1.4 is out now.


* New pixelated Minecraft logo (no longer 3D blocks)
* Added tameable wolves (they can only be found in Forests/Taiga, they are rare, and spawn in every difficulty)
* Added Cookies
* Sleeping in a bed now resets your spawn position
* Holding shift while climbing will hang on to the ladder
* Spiders will no longer trample crops
* Lots and lots of infrastructure for Statistics lists and Achievements
* Sheep spawn in more colors. (Confirmed: Brown, Pink)
* Movement in flowing water is slower.
* Flowers and Mushrooms are more common. (unconfirmed)
* Mushrooms can be found in trees and on sand.
* Cocoa Beans (Can be found in Dungeon chests)
* Some new splash texts can be found. (unconfirmed)
* Clay seems to be more common. (unconfirmed)
* Added new block, Locked Chest, also known as Steve Co. Supply Chest, same skin as chest, gives Team Fortress 2 type message box when right clicked, emits light, cannot be broken. Related page can be found here.


* Zombies and Spiders now hurt you in all instances (previously could only hurt you if they were 1 block above your location)

New Bugs:

* Beds do not always work as a spawn point.
* When crafting a Redstone torch the game crashes (Fixed by a minor update. Restart client to update).
My new best friend. <3
:D Cute wolves. Can't find them, but i noticed every world i get it has some cool creation now..
I probably think i'm late, not sure everyone knows this, but
did anyone know that If you walk 1 block away from your portal in the nether, it's 8 blocks in the real world?
So if i walked 100 blocks in the nether, make another portal there, it would be 800 blocks away from the portal in the real world, and another portal would be there.
I probably think i'm late, not sure everyone knows this, but
did anyone know that If you walk 1 block away from your portal in the nether, it's 8 blocks in the real world?
So if i walked 100 blocks in the nether, make another portal there, it would be 800 blocks away from the portal in the real world, and another portal would be there.

Yes =)