
talk of the portals reminded me

the freakiest **** happened to me that had to do with portals, and i read somewhere about herobrine existing.. probably 4/1 lies, but worth a mention i guess

i took a few SS's, because i found an open portal where a portal was not, before.. in the middle of the forest, away from my base + portal.. i went through it, and was at the same spawn as the other portal near my base. exactly the same. so, i die because the portal goes out and i didn't have a flint + steel with me (protip right there), and went back through my own portal to claim my drops

when i go through mine, a second portal is behind the first.. at a 90 degree angle.

i die again cuz lawl nether
go through again, and a third portal opposite the second.. making a kinda S/Z shape. so. chances are, i'm never gonna go to the nether again, or turn my back without a wolf buddy close by.
I probably think i'm late, not sure everyone knows this, but
did anyone know that If you walk 1 block away from your portal in the nether, it's 8 blocks in the real world?
So if i walked 100 blocks in the nether, make another portal there, it would be 800 blocks away from the portal in the real world, and another portal would be there.
I'm behind too! This gives me some ideas. : D
Just what I've been up to of late..


For more.. go here: Picture album
Wolves wont go in the nether!
A guide to finding wolves easy (One of the programmers for Minecraft said this works!)
1. Find a forest Biome
2.Put torches in places
3. Wait till night
4. Kill all mobs that aren't wolves

P.S. I've tested this and I got 3 wolves from it :D
Omigosh did you guys hear? They just updated to 1.4 and they said 1.5 is coming out next week hopefully XD Weather and Achievements! Any they announced (Not 100%) Release date for full Minecraft 11/11/11 but they will continue to update Minecraft :D

Jrrj15's works

Hello! I see here people have been posting what they have been making sooooo I'll post here what im making on my private server (I've been making alone on my server which consists of 5 people)
BTW This is based off of the Yogscast's Minecraft videos cause I love their videos :D

yeah its a floating tower btw this is 2 days old picture of it so Ill get some new pictures later cause I've done ALOT more :D


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goddamn, andy. all fancy and realistic and ****. :(

mine's just a big square that goes up with a long path.

and yeah, wolves don't go to the nether, and die way too easily. :(
I'll soon post pictures of my WIP castle that's shaping up to be pretty neat, it's about 45x45 in diameter and has four turrets (towers).
Jrrj15's works 2

I'll soon post pictures of my WIP castle that's shaping up to be pretty neat, it's about 45x45 in diameter and has four turrets (towers).

Sounds cool! Can't wait to see it!
Heres more pictures of what im making newer ones!

If you would like please rate this out of 10 reply with a quote and put 1-10 1 the worst 10 the best

Any Postive feedback is appreciated :)


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I still haven't find a wolf yet...

And the compass still points to the very original spawn point.
Argarararagra. Of course the one time I look at some awesome minecraft creations and get some ideas of what to build my laptop's busted. D:
While in Florida, I hate this laptop because it's not really good compared to my computer but it's okay.
I feel bad for inventory editing, but my town looks very cool.
TBT should have a Minecraft competition.:eek:
That sounds like a really good idea.
What would be a good prize though? Or just a "medal" for your profile or some such.

Would have to come up with rules and ideas. But yeah, think it'd be cool!
We should ask Moderators/Admins who play MineCraft to ask Jeremy.
It could be both if you ask me. I thought of this idea a while ago, but I didn't want to really post about it.
Competitions could be based on - Rollercoasters, :D
- Houses ;D
- Mob traps , etc.
Ideas were taken from youtube :>
We should ask Moderators/Admins who play MineCraft to ask Jeremy.
It could be both if you ask me. I thought of this idea a while ago, but I didn't want to really post about it.
Competitions could be based on - Rollercoasters, :D
- Houses ;D
- Mob traps , etc.
Ideas were taken from youtube :>

OR Someone could open a server and everyone could start to build and you get like 5 or so hours to build something epic and then judges come on and vote for their favorite! :D