Cycling Mini BLOOP Cycling 2.0 || {BOXES: N/A } ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

lurking for Zucker c:

if you do lurking c:

hope this isn't a spam v.v
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Thanks so much! She'd be so excited to get him! Please let me know although I'll stalk this thread anyway
One sec

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alright! she's added you!

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let me know when your gates are open!she's all ready!
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zzzzz, i've been trying to cycle out diana since this morning OTL

Flurry in boxes

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Diana in boxes

Requirements to adopt:
- Dreamie proof
- 100% Wi-fi rating and 10 ratings
- Space to take her

(after 2 hrs, if no one claims she's free to be picked up by anyone)

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post here if you want to claim diana.
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Diana has been adopted. I'll be speed cycling till I cycle 16 villagers out again so I can get my dreamies back ~

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~ People are allowed to post who they're lurking for right at this moment till I've reached 16 ~

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I'll msg if any are in my town. Please remember, lurking does not mean reserving. It just so I know who to not void.
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Lolly is one of my ultimate dreamies but she moved into a really bad place in my town, I wanted to cycle her out so I could get her back again, could you hold one of your Towns lollys for me? I can pay in bells/tbt name your price :) I also don't know about cycling..
will be lurking if Daisy, Kiki or Dotty appears! ouo
Walker voided.
Lucha voided.
Daisy moved in *

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Ankha is in boxes, waiting 20 mins to void if no one claims.
Drago moved in.
i know you're planning to autovoid pashmina, but i'd like her if it's not too much trouble.
ain't that weird? Lurking hardcore for Daisy OUO

edit; sorry if i am spamming the thread..
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Ankha & Avery voided.
Zell in boxes.

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Freckles voided.

Updated list: * = auto void
- Coustea
- Pashmina
- Alli*
- Kyle*
- Drago*
- Daisy
- Merry*
- Zell*

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Zell voided.
Del moved in.
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Is it at all possible for me to take Kyle if he moves out? I'm sorry if this is no good, I've look through the forum rules but I'm not actually sure what auto-void means!
Auto-void is when they're in boxes I'll void them immediately. There are no reserves, so when someone say they're lurking for a villager it's just to remind me not to void and announce it here.

It's first come first serve to who ever claims villager. Also, I wait 20 mins after villager is announced and if no one claims I'll void it. Since I'm speed cycling.

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This is just how I do things though, not every Cycling thread does this.