Minimang's newest and greatest accomplishment...

Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
Well said my Japanese loving friend.
Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
Thank you for that speech that I didn't bother reading, but the first few sentences alerted me that it involved your fight against TimeTraveling, so I would already know the basic structure of what you were saying.
Good job :p
bdubs2594 said:
Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
Thank you for that speech that I didn't bother reading, but the first few sentences alerted me that it involved your fight against TimeTraveling, so I would already know the basic structure of what you were saying.
Good job :p
@tyeforce some of these ppls ignorance hear annoys me, i don't give spit if you did or didn't TT, they aren't equal, they're congruent.

@bdubs lol, simply lol at minor bit of irony. c:
ryudo_dragoon said:
bdubs2594 said:
minimang said:
ryudo_dragoon said:
Fossils are a small acomplishment.... getting every painting is an aconplishment.
agreed... Im still missing 6 paintings though..... (but then I complete the museum HEHEHE)
I've got one real painting... AND 7 FAKES!!!!
I have (paintings):
Amazing Painting (2)
Dynamic Painting
Flowery Painting
Jolly Painting
Moody Painting (2)
Moving Painting (2)
Nice Painting (2)
Perfect Painting (5)
Proper Painting (2)
Quaint Painting
Serene Painting
Solemn Painting
Strange Painting (2)
Wistful Painting (2)

but Im not giving these away until I get the last paintings.


Away236 said:
don't by paintings from's most always fake and it's fricking expensive. and annoyed by ppl who post topics just to brag and sht
how else? Nooks', in all my days Ive gone in, have never ever sold one painting. Why should I bother?


Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
no flaming please..

and lol at anti-TT...

also, lmao at "no one cares". You very obviously care way too much, so why do you even bother poking around with your needle on purpose, if you know that you're going to burst someone's bubble?

Elitists like you, who think that all games should only be played your way, and that games were not meant to have fun with, make me sick.

Go burn and die.


Dr. Keko said:
I got twoooo real paintings. And one fake.

Blathers was disappointed. u_u
I kept every fake painting I ever got.. *counts*

54. o.0


but it's around therr. <_<
Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
no flaming please..

and lol at anti-TT...

also, lmao at "no one cares". You very obviously care way too much, so why do you even bother poking around with your needle on purpose, if you know that you're going to burst someone's bubble?

Elitists like you, who think that all games should only be played your way, and that games were not meant to have fun with, make me sick.

Go burn and die.


Tyeforce, I've TTed in every single game, and I still have fun with the original. No wifi there. There are so many things to do in a game, why do you need to be such a snotty little [beep] about anything? Games are meant to be played in whatever way makes the person playing it happy. Not your way. If you are honestly too damn arrogant to realize how much of an elitist you are, go burn in heck, elitist scumbag.
Stop flaming and/or double posting crazily or someone will be banned
I am against TT... And yeah, you ruin playing the game... you will probably stick the game back on a shelf or something and won't play it again after 3 months... Yeah its okay if you TT if your not going to be there that day for the "event" but time traveling that way ruins the experience. Seems like your too impatient for each month to come by to fish for all of the fish/insects/fossils/ect... How about you work on your patients and NOT TT hmm? Every think about that?

Peace I am out guys...
minimang said:
Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
no flaming please..

and lol at anti-TT...

also, lmao at "no one cares". You very obviously care way too much, so why do you even bother poking around with your needle on purpose, if you know that you're going to burst someone's bubble?

Elitists like you, who think that all games should only be played your way, and that games were not meant to have fun with, make me sick.

Go burn and die.


Tyeforce, I've TTed in every single game, and I still have fun with the original. No wifi there. There are so many things to do in a game, why do you need to be such a snotty little [beep] about anything? Games are meant to be played in whatever way makes the person playing it happy. Not your way. If you are honestly too damn arrogant to realize how much of an elitist you are, go burn in heck, elitist scumbag.
In what way am I flaming? I'm not saying "go burn and die", am I? I'm just voicing my opinion. And how am I an "elitist"? I'm the furthest thing from being an elitist there is. I'm not telling you to play the game MY way, I'm telling you to play the game THE way. Time traveling is considered cheating, and spoils the game. Okay, maybe you think it's still fun, but I guarantee that if you actually stop turning your clock and play the game day by day like you're supposed to, you'll enjoy the game more and it'll last for much longer. That's it, I' done. We don't have to fight and call names now, do we?
Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
^^^This post is epic approved.