Tyeforce said:
Why do you even bother making thread for all of your "accomplishments"? Nobody cares about it if you time traveled to do it. I hope you know you're just ruining the game for yourself. So you got every bug, fish, and fossil. Congratulations, you've just spoiled a year's worth of gameplay (or more). What are you gonna do now? Sure, you can hang out on Wi-Fi as long as you want, but besides that, you've completely wiped all of the fun out of the game. None of the special events will be fun anymore. You'll never fish for fun anymore, just for money. I just don't understand why people do this. It's your choice, time travel all you want, but just be aware of the consequences... Personally, I think it's destroying an amazing game.
no flaming please..
and lol at anti-TT...
also, lmao at "no one cares". You very obviously care way too much, so why do you even bother poking around with your needle on purpose, if you know that you're going to burst someone's bubble?
Elitists like you, who think that all games should only be played your way, and that games were not meant to have fun with, make me sick.
Go burn and die.
Tyeforce, I've TTed in every single game, and I still have fun with the original. No wifi there. There are so many things to do in a game, why do you need to be such a snotty little [beep] about anything? Games are meant to be played in whatever way makes the person playing it happy. Not your way. If you are honestly too damn arrogant to realize how much of an elitist you are, go burn in heck, elitist scumbag.