Selling misc collectibles ⭐︎ 26 tickets & 26 tb tickets

Hey! Would you also be willing to trade a newly bought blue star fragment (12 tt) for the same rate as your trade with Hyoon? So for 360 tbt? All good if not enough!
Hey! Would you also be willing to trade a newly bought blue star fragment (12 tt) for the same rate as your trade with Hyoon? So for 360 tbt? All good if not enough!
hi! i def would but hyoon is buying 24 tt from me so i wouldn’t have enough to give you :( im sorry! 🥲
hi! i def would but hyoon is buying 24 tt from me so i wouldn’t have enough to give you :( im sorry! 🥲
It's all good! Sorry I didn't realise you hadn't bought it for them yet! Thank you anyways jiny 😊