Megamannt125 said:
David said:
Megamannt125 said:
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I didn't find anything funny about Gears of War 3, Halo Reach, Metal Gear Rising, Fable 3, Black Ops, some Kinect Demos, and a redesigned 360.
Sure the the Skittles girl was a little stupid but the potential behind Kinect is incredible.
I wasn't really paying attention to the other games, I was too busy laughing at the kinect demos.
I doesn't have potential. They didn't show any actual games people would want to play for kinect.
Hey, don't flat out say that it doesn't have potential. While Kinect may end up completely flopping, developers could still possibly make some great games with it. And while it may not be what the majority of gamers want, you can be sure that some people will love it. And I have to give Microsoft credit for making something this technologically advanced. Though, as advanced as it may be, that doesn't automatically guarantee that it will be a success.
Yes, I just defended Microsoft. Ogawd, the world is coming to an end. =P