Mochacho Apologizes to TBT

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Mochacho said:
Josh. said:
It's the internet.
NO!!! All this time...
What I'm basically trying to say is you're getting stressed over the internet and getting all worked up because you made one small mistake, Now you're asking for forgiveness by making a topic. If it was the real world then yeah, cool whatever but In my opinion (Remember my opinion), It looks like you want everyone to be kind to you or worship you or something, You might even want to be in the centre of attention.

Just saying.
Lol I know what you meant. And no, I actually hate being the center of attention. I just wanted to apologize and make things right. You all might think it's dumb for this thread to exist, but it's not for attention.
This is to evefryone:

You guys may think I just want attention, but if you knew me, you'd know I was genuinely apologetic. I don't look for attention. I don't want to be the center of everything. I don't want to be worshipped. In fact, when someone compliments me, I die of embarassment. If you actually knew me, you'd know this. The point of this thread wasn't for attention. It was meant for an apology.
In my opinion I would do the same Mochacho, and I think it takes strength and guts. I don't really know what happened, but it sounds like people were just standing up for what they believe in. I think people on here are being a bit unreasonable, if mochacho wanted to apologize then that is her/his (sorry I dont know :S T-T) choice, and so what if you wouldn't do the same. You choose if you except the apology or not.

I didn't wanna butt in but I thought it was getting outa hand haha xx Didn't wanna sound mean, sorry if I did it is not what I intended ^-^ x
^this. This is exactly what the point of this thread is. Attention doesn't matter. It's the fact that this is an apology and not everyone agrees sometimes. If you don't like this thread, ok. But that doesn't mean you should put me down.

And to everyone who doesn't know, I'm a girl.
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