After some long planning involving counting numerous pixels
And some hours of copying pixels onto two designs, I finally finished my Monkey D. Luffy design [The palette unfortunately isn't completely correct, but it was the best one I could choose considering I was trying to use the Enies Lobby clothes color scheme].
If anyone wants me to make them designs in the near future, I'd be happy to do it for them. All I'd need is a sprite reference.. and a little fee of Bells-- well, as if anyone would buy them from me. The copying was a bit tedious though, especially in large areas of black
Well, enjoy, rip it apart with crit, whatever
I couldn't resist giving him a grin.. and making his pupils a little bigger so he looks up D:
And some hours of copying pixels onto two designs, I finally finished my Monkey D. Luffy design [The palette unfortunately isn't completely correct, but it was the best one I could choose considering I was trying to use the Enies Lobby clothes color scheme].
If anyone wants me to make them designs in the near future, I'd be happy to do it for them. All I'd need is a sprite reference.. and a little fee of Bells-- well, as if anyone would buy them from me. The copying was a bit tedious though, especially in large areas of black
Well, enjoy, rip it apart with crit, whatever
I couldn't resist giving him a grin.. and making his pupils a little bigger so he looks up D: