Auction MORE OCs

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1250 TBT #2
Edit: Wait shouldn't I have won? There wasnt a bid after mine for 48 hours. Unless i'm missing something.
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Look if you're not happy with how i'm running an auction don't bid :/

It's not that i'm unhappy. You should have stated in you OP that your rules were subject to change and for some reason you may extend times of auctions.

Jeremy said:
iv.The end time of the auction should not be increased or decreased after it has already started.
v.The last person to bid on an auction within the scope of its rules and time limits is the winner. Auctioneers cannot choose another winner even if someone else makes a better offer after it ends.

And since I don't agree with how you're running it, I may have to retract my bid. Sorry.
I'm sorry that i did not state that in my OP
And I understand. Thank you for your interest
Please take note that you are not allowed to extend auction time by default, and this is a special right that must be reserved in the OP when you create the thread. Spy rightfully won the auction, though I can't force you to give the prize to them. However they have left you negative feedback, which they are allowed to do since you didn't reserve the right to extend the time. If you would like to have this feedback removed, you're more than welcome to give them their winnings for what their winning auction was priced at, and I will happily remove it for you. However, for now I'm locking this thread and cancelling the auction. If you wish to reauction these off again in future, please remake the thread with our auction rules taken into account.
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