Cycling Morelia Freebies -Leaving ->

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Music makes everything go by faster tbh, but yea I feel that I'll be spending my weekend raking sooner or later. I have a massive maple tree in the back D: and my neighbor has some kinda tree that leans ova into my yard.
sobs sorry for going Offtopic, its been awhile since I've used forums tbh
Music makes everything go by faster tbh, but yea I feel that I'll be spending my weekend raking sooner or later. I have a massive maple tree in the back D: and my neighbor has some kinda tree that leans ova into my yard.
sobs sorry for going Offtopic, its been awhile since I've used forums tbh

It's cool. It gets boring just announcing who is moving.

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Alright, I'll be heading over pretty soon then. c:

and gates open :)
I don't understand why people like half of the popular ones. Beau and Tangy, sure. But I mean like, Stitches? He's terrifying omg

tbh I have to agree, I used to lurk this forum when I wanted DC's but I joined when I started my Ankha hunt. I never knew so many people liked bob/marshall/ Julian. I kicked marshall out via TT when he was my 7th villager. He reminds me of a justin beiber 8(

I guess I just fawn over ankha cuz I had a hamster with the name 'anika' and it sounds similar and egypt/cats

but honestly why people like stitch confuses me @~@ however each to their own I guess ^-^
I think Stitches is popular because he's a novelty. He's a funky sort of patchwork stuffed bear, which I guess is more interesting to some people than a regular bear.
I think any villager with a really distinct theme that appeals broadly is going to be popular. Julian is a glamorous unicorn, Ankha is an Egyptian queen, Marshal has the anime and manga fans in the palm of his hand...

I really don't get why Colton isn't more popular, though. He's so princely.
I think Stitches is popular because he's a novelty. He's a funky sort of patchwork stuffed bear, which I guess is more interesting to some people than a regular bear.
I think any villager with a really distinct theme that appeals broadly is going to be popular. Julian is a glamorous unicorn, Ankha is an Egyptian queen, Marshal has the anime and manga fans in the palm of his hand...

I really don't get why Colton isn't more popular, though. He's so princely.

Or Pekoe! She's so cute :3
I think Stitches is popular because he's a novelty. He's a funky sort of patchwork stuffed bear, which I guess is more interesting to some people than a regular bear.
I think any villager with a really distinct theme that appeals broadly is going to be popular. Julian is a glamorous unicorn, Ankha is an Egyptian queen, Marshal has the anime and manga fans in the palm of his hand...

I really don't get why Colton isn't more popular, though. He's so princely.

Honestly I get attached to anyone for example Cyrano the cranky lil ****. I hated him at first and me my brother would make jokes like 'when you come you better avoid Cyrano' and we'd follow him around with an axe. After awhile he started being nice and he's one of my favorites ;u; Also Leonardo my Liger omg he's adorbs.I feel like a lot of people just want the popular ones D: not all ofc but it makes me sad when I go to a DC town and its Marshall/Julian/bob/ and so on. all the others are just as adorbs ;u;

omfg colton is amazing OTL he gave me a petition called 'hugs not thugs' hes the best tbh

Or Pekoe! She's so cute :3
asdfg I love her ...mostly because we share the same b-day OTL
Honestly I get attached to anyone for example Cyrano the cranky lil ****. I hated him at first and me my brother would make jokes like 'when you come you better avoid Cyrano' and we'd follow him around with an axe. After awhile he started being nice and he's one of my favorites ;u; Also Leonardo my Liger omg he's adorbs.I feel like a lot of people just want the popular ones D: not all ofc but it makes me sad when I go to a DC town and its Marshall/Julian/bob/ and so on. all the others are just as adorbs ;u;

omfg colton is amazing OTL he gave me a petition called 'hugs not thugs' hes the best tbh

asdfg I love her ...mostly because we share the same b-day OTL

she's a qt
Flora too <3
Ricardo, I'm going to TT to see who filled up my 9th slot, and then TT more to see if I can get someone to leave. I'm so sorry for the delay, I didn't expect this!
or on top of hybrids you spent so much time working on. That happened with Lucy OTL and I didn't even want her, took away two purple roses
tfw cute villagers move in the middle of your paths and you can't bear to get rid of them :cc

I know ugh I love Elvis. I already had two crankies though. Now I have three. Good thing they're my favorites.

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YES. Poncho is moving out. YESSSSSSSS.
Gonna TT him out now.
to be frank, after seeing all the problems people go through to get their dreamie Ankha is def going to be my only one. I'm happy with my 6 [boone and lucy gotta go tbh] and ankha will be my lucky seven ;u;
wow that was cheesy and now im rambling again OTL
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