Most Painful Experience?

I had a really bad toothache once. It took several days for the dentist to be able to see me, and I hardly slept the whole time. I was lucky if I could get a couple of hours of (broken up) sleep per day. I'm pretty sure that's the only time in my adult life that I've cried from pain. All of this happened around my birthday. This was also when Miitopia came out, so now whenever I'm not feeling great I get the urge to play that game.

Second place would be the first time I dealt with costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage around rib cage). If it had been on my left side, I would've been 100% sure I was having a heart attack. The pain got so bad that at one point I had to lie perfectly still in a weird, very specific position in order to make the pain bearable. I've dealt with it a few times since then, but none of it was as bad as that first night.
I had a really bad toothache once. It took several days for the dentist to be able to see me, and I hardly slept the whole time. I was lucky if I could get a couple of hours of (broken up) sleep per day. I'm pretty sure that's the only time in my adult life that I've cried from pain. All of this happened around my birthday. This was also when Miitopia came out, so now whenever I'm not feeling great I get the urge to play that game.
I totally forgot about my toothache! I had it years ago, on a trip that was otherwise awesome. It stunk for that first day and a half because I had to be EXTREMELY careful with what I ate/drank and had to put a numbing agent on it. After we got something to deal with it (don’t remember if it was an antibiotic or a painkiller) everything was good but I still had to be cautious with how I ate stuff until I saw the dentist about it. Overall it ranks about equal with what I described earlier.
While having all of my wisdom teeth removed was painful, it pales in comparison to my only injury. I was riding my scooter one day when I tripped on a driveway. The sudden stop made me fall of the road and it broke my left elbow. The raw pain that small injury caused was so excruciating.
stepping on a lego
long term pain - ankle sprain on like the second week of uni sophomore year... yeah, I had to walk around for a week while hobbling.
short term pain - wisdom teeth, I didn't go under, only had local anesthesia. the upper 2 weren't that bad but the lowers were awful. slept it off and after a few hours it felt fine though
stepping on a lego
long term pain - ankle sprain on like the second week of uni sophomore year... yeah, I had to walk around for a week while hobbling.
short term pain - wisdom teeth, I didn't go under, only had local anesthesia. the upper 2 weren't that bad but the lowers were awful. slept it off and after a few hours it felt fine though

I stepped on legos so much as a young kid that these days it doesn't even phase me at all, lol. I am one of the lucky few who's wisdom teeth grew in extremely well so I don't have to get them pulled. Did have to get a filling put into one of them, that wasn't too pleasant... granted was more uncomfortable than painful, if anything.

I did have a grade 3 ankle sprain a couple years ago that was pretty agonizing. I think it would have been less painful if it had broke, lol.
Also agree with various teeth stuff; had to fill a lot of cavities/holes when I was younger and until I learned to cope with it as an adult it hurt extremely bad so they would have to give me muscle relaxers (which also makes you pass out for a bit afterwards, not pleasant).
Falling off my bike because l went off the sidewalk just a little and somehow it made my bike slip when l was 9. And the damage was my lips got scars and started bleeding a lot. My jaw was a little bit dislocated and inside my mouth my gums l guess started bleeding. My knees were scraped very badly and deep cuts and of course they were bleeding. Got a lot of bruises on my face and knees. Nose was bleeding and my elbows were scraped and bleeding. And l had to walk home with all that. Curious of how much blood l lost on that day. But my teeth were very sore.
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back in late December 2017 I dislocated my patella in my left knee. that was definitely the worst pain I had ever felt. I never ask anyone to take me to the doctor/hospital for an injury but I knew I had to go to the emergency room for that one. when it dislocated a huge chunk of bone was broken out from underneath my patella, and I tore a bunch of ligaments/tendons. I remember not sleeping at all that night, and I also had episodes of severe pain flare-ups when I didn't take my pain medicine exactly on schedule.
two weeks later I had surgery on it, and I had to go through five months of physical therapy to get myself to the point where I could walk comfortably without a brace on.

to this day that's the only major injury I've had, and also the only surgery I've ever had. I've had times before where something hurt really bad; for instance, once I got a second degree burn on my left hand when I was in 4th grade, and it took weeks to recover. I also dislocated a bone in my right ring finger when I was in 2nd grade and had to wear a brace on it for a few weeks. but nothing as substantial as having highly invasive knee surgery. now I've got a giant scar on my left knee to remind me of how much pain I went through to deal with that.
Oh l know my other painful time. My sister slammed the car door so hard and l was getting in the car and she slammed the car door on my middle finger. It was bruised and is was very purple on the nail part and skin for 3 months and today it's still has a bump and still isn't straight. I don't know how l didn't lose my finger. Plus forgot to say my nail still has a dent in it.
Toothaches are definitely no fun.

I'd have to say the worst pain I've felt is from when I've had kidney stones.

I have a high tolerance, so it takes a lot to stop me in my tracks, but those have done so and put me on the floor. It's also the only time I've taken medicine stronger that 800mg ibuprofen. The worst one was the last time - a few years ago, I went to the emergency room in the middle of the night (always seems to be the middle of the night), and after a CAT scan, the doctor told me it measured 1.1cm (about double the width of the uretur, which connects the kidneys and the bladder). I was given dilaudid for that one. Those are tiny, but will knock you for a loop! Oh, also had to take huge tablets of antibiotics. That got me through until surgery. That was also the only time I've had a stent, because of the swelling and trauma, and that was definitely a disagreeable thing, too.
The worst pain I've ever experienced is menstrual cramps. I used to get very severe cramps for hours at a time every single month. They were so painful that I couldn't move. All I could do was curl up in a ball, cry, and wait for them to pass. Over-the-counter meds did nothing to lessen the pain. My doctor gave me prescription meds for them but I built up a tolerance and wasn't willing to go to a higher prescription since my mom had gotten addicted to pain killers. So I just had to deal with the pain on my own. The severe cramps lasted from my teens until I was well into my 30s. Thankfully, they've eased up now and I almost never experience cramps anymore, but for decades I was in misery.
I got in a fight with a Canada goose and that jerk slapped my arm with its wing and omg I swear that wing can break BONES if it hit me any harder. It was so painful that I almost started crying-

Left a bruise on my arm for a solid week or so. :/
Getting all four of my wisdom teeth removed. I got nitrous oxide (laughing) gas and local anesthesia, but I suppose the dosage wasn't enough? I felt all the pain throughout the procedure until maybe my dentist got to the fourth and last tooth. It was the most pain I've ever experienced, and I had tears unconsciously streaming down my face.

Runner-up would be getting bronchitis, after my S/O came back from Dubai in January 2019. Breathing wasn't painful per se, but it was very challenging. It didn't help that when my S/O took me to the ER, the bronchitis hadn't set in fully, so there wasn't anything unusual from the ECG and checking my breathing. A couple days later is when it fully set in, and the doctor I saw in the local walk-in clinic near my university immediately recognized it as bronchitis and prescribed me antibiotics.

ETA: got my dates mixed up. Thankfully, my brush with bronchitis was last year.

omg I had basically a similar experience with my wisdom teeth extraction :/ it was okay in the beginning but halfway through, one was more impacted than expected so they start cutting up higher and I guess there wasn’t enough local anesthetic in that area and I started feeling it and started crying without warning. They thankfully gave me more & it was okay after but oh lord it was bad. Plus afterwards, I bruised so bad I had to take time off work since it looked like I got beat up haha
omg I had basically a similar experience with my wisdom teeth extraction :/ it was okay in the beginning but halfway through, one was more impacted than expected so they start cutting up higher and I guess there wasn’t enough local anesthetic in that area and I started feeling it and started crying without warning. They thankfully gave me more & it was okay after but oh lord it was bad. Plus afterwards, I bruised so bad I had to take time off work since it looked like I got beat up haha

Awww, looks like pain associated with teeth and related procedures is really common, as seen in the rest of this thread. Oh no! Thankfully, I didn't bruise and just looked like a chipmunk for 1-2 days after the procedure. More importantly, we survived the pain. 😆 💪

I got in a fight with a Canada goose and that jerk slapped my arm with its wing and omg I swear that wing can break BONES if it hit me any harder. It was so painful that I almost started crying-

Left a bruise on my arm for a solid week or so. :/

Canada geese are so savage and beyond terrifying for their size. :eek: I used to think they were cute, then I got chased across campus by one as a college freshman...
I got stung multiple times by a wasp that was stuck in the inside of my jacket sleeve. I didn't realise it was something inside my coat at first so I didn't take it off at the first sting or the second. But after the third I panicked and took my coat off and this giant wasp just flew out of my sleeve. My whole arm was swollen. It reallllly hurt lol

But I think the most traumatizing pain I experienced was a gum and teeth infection when I was a teenager. My dad never took my to the dentist so my dental health wasn't very good. Early one morning I woke up from this extreme pain in my mouth. I had to wake up my dad to take me to a dentist. Of course he didn't want to spend the money so he drove me over an hour away to a university and got a teacher to do it for cheap. So I had a bunch of students gathered around me while the professor was explaining to them. It was very traumatising, especially because I have social anxiety AND a fear of dentists, on top of the excruciating pain. At the end, they prescribed some medicine but my dad didn't want to pay for it so bought me some drug store ointment for my gums and that was it. Definitely didn't help me like trips to the dentist at all XD Hahaha
I've had my fair share of painful experiences, most of the experiences from surgeries and after-surgery pains but my gf gets bad period cramps, and seeing her writhing in pain makes everything else seem minuscule.

My most painful experience is probably when I got in a motorbike accident (wasn't my fault) and sprained my ankle pretty badly along with other bruises and scratches, thankfully I did not break any bones, was on crutches for about a month, and being in and out of pain was not fun :unsure: Was not allowed to ride a motorbike after that, been driving ever since.
a bit TMI but as someone who lives with IBS, the stomach/intestinal cramping can be absolutely unbearable at times. i’ve been blessed with not experiencing physical pain super frequently but that pain never fails to make me want death ;/
The worst pain I ever had was last year when I got really severe menstrual cramps. I still don't really know what happened, but it was possible that I had a cyst that broke or something. Regardless, the pain was so intense I couldn't move and constantly felt like I was going to pass out. The worst of it lasted for like 30 minutes, and by the time I got to the emergency room it was dying down. The doctor there said that the pain I felt was basically the pain you feel giving birth. So much to look forward too......
The pain itself was similar to normal cramps but amplified 1000x. It felt like I had a machine inside me that was grinding up my insides and I was very hot and very cold at the same time. I felt like my body couldn't handle the severity of the pain and I was going in and out of consciousness. It sucked lol.
I had the same experience in February but along with the ruptured cyst I had a UTI and I honestly felt like I was dying, I couldn’t move without having excruciating pain and nausea, I left it for a day and had to go to A&E and with the start of Coronavirus had to wait 6 hours, with almost passing out a couple times. All the doctors I seen told me off for not coming sooner since I needed scans cause of it 🥴
I had spinal surgery earlier this year. Seven vertebrae were realigned, along with most of my back muscles. They placed 12-inch metal rods and metal screws into my spine to hold everything in place.

Waking up in the hospital was painful but not as bad as I expected. Luckily they give a lot of drugs to keep pain down after a huge surgery like that. But I basically had to relearn how to walk and everything was super difficult for over a month while I recovered.

I also broke my arm as a kid and I remember that being pretty painful too!