Pokémon Most unworth it shiny ever


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Sep 19, 2018
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Some shiny Pokemon aren?t great and take ages to find so which do you think takes ages to find but ends out being not worth looking for!!

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I’d say it’s zapdos it’s so not with the wait for a darker version really

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Worth the wait accidentally put with the wait
Gengar. Mega version looks sick though.


Like WTF?
Gengar. Mega version looks sick though.


Like WTF?

It?s cool as a shiny mega but they?d only in battle also I?d also say zen rim is a pain and a half to get and it?s eyes change that?s it !!!

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I don't like Shiny Pokemon where the color is only slightly different compare to the normal version. Like so slightly different that you have to look twice to see the actual difference of it (like for example, since someone already mentioned it here, Gengar).
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Defiantly garchomp and articuno they are both so annoying and terrible shinies
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Everyone's going to post like color shinies, so I'll say I don't like shiny Lugia's fuschia and wouldn't SR for it. Note that I considered trading for a toxic waste colored Espeon because I liked how offbeat it was.
Solgaleo and Lunala look even worse, but I'm not sure it's possible to get them.

Now for shinies that are really nice but would take an unreasonable amount of time and resources to get: legitimate shiny Mew or shiny Manaphy ;) (Mew was only available from a Japanese Emerald event where you could SR, Manaphy only available from beating a new copy of Ranger, transfering the egg to DP, and TRADING THE EGG to another game where the ID would work).
Personally, I don't think there are many shiny Pokemon that are better than the standard 'Mons.

I like the blue for Shiny Gardevoir and Milotic:

Scizor in the Scyther color scheme is kind of cool:

Staryu, Umbreon, Talonflame, and Greninja are pretty neat as shinies too though I didn't take the time to find the images.
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LUGIA is awesome idk if you can tell or not
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I don't even mind the impossible to notice shinies, it's the ugly gen 1 and 2 green shinies that bother me

Not even gonna list them because I think there are over 100 Pok?mon with that afwul coloration
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