It's really enjoyable to do when you just do it. That sounds so smart-ass but it's true!
I try to do yoga 5 days a week, at least 5 really and then 50-100 squats, depending on how jiggly my legs are and if I'm about to collapse from my ineptness to stop when I need to xD
I do Yoga With Adriene as my motivator. She is very helpful, kind, sweet, makes you feel comfortable, understands what we go through, and she makes me just feel good. It's okay that I can't stretch like her, we all have our limits, we can work to it, and the hard part is just getting on the mat and starting. Once I start, it goes by so quick (unless I'm balancing on my arms for building strength and that hurts hehe) The motivation really came about when I started a yoga class during my semester at college, when we went on lockdown the instructor had us do yoga summaries each week. I didn't want to lie and say I did this so I just made it a point to do yoga at least 4 times a week. Since then, I've slimmed down and lost inches in my waistline and thighs

My thighs have always been half an inch off from each other, so these squats and yoga have helped! Not to mention my hip dips, which I know so many girls have and it's completely and annoyingly normal. Hip dips have slimmed a lot and that's probably my biggest motivator xD