Mafia Mountainous Mafia: Camp Mafia - Mafia Wins!

@Biancasbotique have you played anywhere else recently? I'm asking because your start to this games feels different from how I remember you as either alignment and because of a really small out of game thing that happened a week or two ago.
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I haven't played in a while. Hosted sure but not played. what is this out of game thing? Now I am curious
b100ming voting geoni looks pretty townie to me, as I don't know if a new mafia-aligned player would dare to do that, but that just may be me.
i keep forgetting votes are on a separated thread here LOL
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b100ming voting geoni looks pretty townie to me, as I don't know if a new mafia-aligned player would dare to do that, but that just may be me.
why 'dare to do that'? i dont think it's quite a risky thing, while i do agree that a new mafia player wouldnt want to put too much attention to themselves
b100 has played this game a lot though, just not the forum mafia type iirc
Ah I didn't know that, but with the "dare" thing I mean dare to put that attention to themselves (just like you stated) and that makes it kinda risky? (maybe not at this stage of the game. Even though a good player like geoni could jump on it easier? idk).
Why do I have a feeling that Geoni is pushing me for a wagon? haha

lol I'm pretty null on you and just wanted to know why you were making the comment you did. If you come off as sus you're still in my PoE but it's still early.
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b100ming voting geoni looks pretty townie to me, as I don't know if a new mafia-aligned player would dare to do that, but that just may be me.

Catharina quick question but are you a wolf?
a curveball! okay, i'm doing a little analysis of everything thus far and i have noted a bunch of stuff but nothing really conclusive... at all. a couple questions

i would like the inconsistence more if i knew more about drogen town play. ill go by the book and say that looked like a bad entrance

does "bad entrance" imply "mafia-ish", or something else? it was definitely bad to me -- like tripping in public. embarrassing. but not allowed to edit.

also what does droqen ace alt pepega mean? i can google, but those four words together are not even a sentence

i dub this sus simping

i know what sus and simp are but please explain, i'm not advanced enough to comprehend this combination slang.

(These are real questions, I'm not sure what's being communicated in a couple posts and i t hink it's probably important to understand)

@Antonio i hope you answer geoni's RQS questions :D ... psst if you want to start off on the right foot:
vote dr.pepper

and some notes:

bloodthirsty (i.e. in support of day one bloodshed)
droqen, geoni, volt, damniel

not bloodthirsty

b100ming (post #61) "Disagree strongly" [with day one bloodshed], but then ##vote: geoni?

*not gonna @, damniel already asked, waiting for b100ming to free up and explain :)

stance unknown?
Dr. Pepper drinkers never simp.
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People don't gotta waste their time on my RQS at this point if they haven't, was just some pre-game shenanigans.
ooh sorry if i'm calling for distractions. it's fun getting to know people. but i guess we do that just as well by playing the game and suspecting each other's motives and overanalyzing every single word that's said in these hallowed halls :oops:
ooh sorry if i'm calling for distractions. it's fun getting to know people. but i guess we do that just as well by playing the game and suspecting each other's motives and overanalyzing every single word that's said in these hallowed halls :oops:

That's the gist of it! I'll be back to do that later tonight, going on 😳
I have a LOT to put out there, my take on things so far, but it's going to take me some time to get it all typed into my phone. I'm thinking I'm gonna start with how I came up with my take on each person. Then I'll post a summary. This is my first game, and I may be reading things incorrectly or missing stuff, so feel free to critique.

To get the first person out of the way- Sheep Villager (Antonio now). My take - no opinion. Not enough info. Now to get typing....
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I'm doing these in order of least posts to most posts at the time of my info gathering, and while I know there are some light, joking posts, I'm reading (too much) into those as well.

So... b100ming!
- neutral/slightly wolf
- least amount of posts (4) either very busy or hiding out
- in reference to bloodshed d1, "strongly disagree"; this, according to volt, can sometimes be considered a wolf tell (b100ming did not respond to that assertion)
- when asked to explain geoni vote, said will explain later, on the's been a while
- a tiny bit sus, but not enough to put in wolf camp, so mostly neutral (ish)
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That's the gist of it! I'll be back to do that later tonight, going on 😳

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Next is Catharina. I'm going to start using spoilers to avoid the "wall".

- Neutral
- not a lot of posts
- questioned early voting
- seems to have a game strategy of avoiding attention
- did say b100ming voting geoni appeared "town" as new- mafia "wouldn't dare to do that", but later it was learned b100ming has experience with the game

Avoiding the spotlight might be working, because I just don't see any sus behavior. But then, I don't see any behavior...which may be sus. So - neutral.
Bianca is next.
Technically, Bianca has 1 less post than Catharina, but I did the easier (Catharina) one first.

In advance, this could be waaayyy off, but it's just what I see.

- Neutral/ slightly wolf
- very few posts, so not much to go by
- so few posts that geoni questioned her "first post of substance" and quietness, and now after being questioned seems more active (sus)
- said would be busy (eod?) so would have to "just choose" someone and vote. (sus) Doesn't make sense when there is at least some info available to base your vote on, that you could share in a post to help others see how you came to that vote.
- and back to that "first post of substance", she questioned damniel/droqen "distancing", but I see it the opposite. That mess is just too chaotic to be planned (I hope).
- claimed feeling geoni was pushing her for a wagon, but again, if that means to be voted off, I see it the opposite. Geoni actually said he was "null" on Bianca, and other than the first post/ quiet statement hasn't really pushed Bianca for a wagon. Several people are questioning each other, but as far as I know, noone has voted for Bianca. Why claim you are being pushed off when you aren't really on the radar? (Very sus)
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Voltarenism is next.

- Neutral
- Not a ton of posts
- Seems to be a "poke the hive" player
- Said geoni was "wolfin", trying to get in minds of other players. Geoni's like, You serious? Then volt's like, Let's say I'm serious. Geoni says bring it on. So now waiting for more on that *** for tat....
- liked droqen's intention to vote for damniel
- says droqen inconsistent
- poking aside, (rxn testing, according to encyclopedia maftannica),... not much to go on.
(Poking will be a common theme in the rest of my takes....)
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Next is Catharina. I'm going to start using spoilers to avoid the "wall".

- Neutral
- not a lot of posts
- questioned early voting
- seems to have a game strategy of avoiding attention
- did say b100ming voting geoni appeared "town" as new- mafia "wouldn't dare to do that", but later it was learned b100ming has experience with the game

Avoiding the spotlight might be working, because I just don't see any sus behavior. But then, I don't see any behavior...which may be sus. So - neutral.

Forgot to add, geoni questioned Catharina directly if she's a wolf.
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Catharina quick question but are you a wolf?
trick question cath be careful

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people are doing reads already wow
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a curveball! okay, i'm doing a little analysis of everything thus far and i have noted a bunch of stuff but nothing really conclusive... at all. a couple questions

does "bad entrance" imply "mafia-ish", or something else? it was definitely bad to me -- like tripping in public. embarrassing. but not allowed to edit.

also what does droqen ace alt pepega mean? i can google, but those four words together are not even a sentence

i know what sus and simp are but please explain, i'm not advanced enough to comprehend this combination slang.

(These are real questions, I'm not sure what's being communicated in a couple posts and i t hink it's probably important to understand)

@Antonio i hope you answer geoni's RQS questions :D ... psst if you want to start off on the right foot:
vote dr.pepper

and some notes:

bloodthirsty (i.e. in support of day one bloodshed)
droqen, geoni, volt, damniel

not bloodthirsty

b100ming (post #61) "Disagree strongly" [with day one bloodshed], but then ##vote: geoni?

*not gonna @, damniel already asked, waiting for b100ming to free up and explain :)

stance unknown?
just implies it will stay on the back of my mind if i see anything that sounds more scum-ish
ace alt = ace alternative account. it's a joke because your entrance reminded me of him, but alts are not allowed on tbt. pepega is just a twitch emote
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being called bloodthirsty for wanting a d1 hang is wild haha
I ran out of brain energy for the day forgive if I'm pretty quiet rest of evening but it (bloodthirsty!!) is just more fun than any other word or phrase that came to mind
Droqen is next.

Slightly neutral/ fairly wolfish
- while some players poke the hive, it seems that droqen chaotically responds to the poking (no offense).
9:41 - abstaining, no idea who to vote
9:45 - going to vote for damniel
9:46 - casts vote for geoni, who happened to be the only person voted for so far (jumping on the early wagon)
- later on said - wanted to see geoni in the spotlight, rxn testing, BUT- he was already in the spotlight, (even had a vote already), so that doesn't make any sense
- at one point says oops made too much noise, was trying to be subtle, but then later says how it's fun being in the spotlight
- it almost seems chameleon- ish, to change so quickly based on pressure
- it may be normal for droqen to be a ball of chaos, but chaos may be a way to cover for wolf mistakes
- right now, if I had to vote, I would lean toward droqen (sorry!)
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I am taking a break. Be back on to do the last 2.