🎥 Movie Snacks


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Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
What are some of your top favorite snacks while watching a movie?
(Salty, sweet, bitter, sour, umami)

Reese's Pieces are one of my favorites, especially if I have something salty to go with it like popcorn.
I usually don't buy anything if we're talking movie theaters. A lot of the stuff is expensive. So I usually just bring a water bottle or something. Maybe popcorn or hairbo goldbears but I can't remember the last time I went to the movie except for the Mario movie. Haven't really had a lot of movies in the last few years that I just had to see on the big screen. It feels like they're just pushing out mediocre movies to hit quotas and make the shareholders happy enough and we're just left to consume 'fast-food'

But I would say popcorn, gummies, or maybe something chocolate. I'm really not too picky.
I usually don't buy anything if we're talking movie theaters. A lot of the stuff is expensive. So I usually just bring a water bottle or something. Maybe popcorn or hairbo goldbears but I can't remember the last time I went to the movie except for the Mario movie. Haven't really had a lot of movies in the last few years that I just had to see on the big screen. It feels like they're just pushing out mediocre movies to hit quotas and make the shareholders happy enough and we're just left to consume 'fast-food'

But I would say popcorn, gummies, or maybe something chocolate. I'm really not too picky.

Most theaters don't mind you bringing your own snack usually. The theater I worked for allowed it for all customers. I just make a stop at dollar tree or someplace if I want something for a theater. I think most people do movies at home anymore since 2020 and because streaming services are so big.
Movie theater popcorn is in major contention of being my number one favorite snack. I don't go to the movies often, but when I do, I always get a large popcorn to split with my hubby (plus a slushie) and then take the leftovers home. I wish I had my own popcorn machine like they do in the theater. I think it's delicious even when it's a little stale!
I'm not someone who goes to the movie theater very often. I really have to be interested in seeing a particular movie to drag myself out to the theater to watch something. I do enjoy the movie theater experience, but there are numerous factors against it being a norm for me. I'm open to all genres but my particular interests are narrow, which limits the scope of things that I'd want to spend money on a movie ticket on. Related, I'm in no rush to watch most movies and am perfectly content to wait however many months it takes for movies to release on physical media (DVDs/Blu-Rays) that I can rent from the library or watch via streaming services, both of which give the freedom to watch from the comfort of my own home. I'd rather be frugal and practical with my money and limit unnecessary expenditures like going to the theater unless, again, it's something that begs the experience.

With all of that stated and out of the way, on the occasions I would go to the theater in the past, I'd say my go-to snack was Nestlé Buncha Crunch. Crisped rice chocolate is nice and the individual pieces were preferable over an ordinary Crunch bar. However, for numerous reasons, I'm not particularly interested in giving them money. So I'd probably have to figure out a different option or just go without.

At home, though, if it's a movie I'm really interested in? Gotta be pizza, haha. Obviously not every time, of course, but yeah.

Most theaters don't mind you bringing your own snack usually. The theater I worked for allowed it for all customers. I just make a stop at dollar tree or someplace if I want something for a theater. I think most people do movies at home anymore since 2020 and because streaming services are so big.
Depends on the individual theater and the individual management of said theater. Some places will let things slide if you don't make it obvious, some places will think it's more trouble than it's worth and don't want to risk goodwill, some have an outright ban and want you to only buy from their concession stand. A drive-in theater around here has a penalty for people bringing food in and a pass you can buy to permit you to do so, as concessions sales are how they stay in business.
Depends on the individual theater and the individual management of said theater. Some places will let things slide if you don't make it obvious, some places will think it's more trouble than it's worth and don't want to risk goodwill, some have an outright ban and want you to only buy from their concession stand. A drive-in theater around here has a penalty for people bringing food in and a pass you can buy to permit you to do so, as concessions sales are how they stay in business.
Most in my area are this way. I don't recommending sneaking or "not making it obvious". Just simply ask what their policy is. They'll tell you thier written rules. There are only a few around where I am and they are big places. It's really nice because you can bring fruit or veggie sticks in for yourself or your kids if you want a healthier option than junk food. And I think that is generally the reason why workers are not allowed to tell customers no about bringing food and drinks in. (Beyond a rule book simply saying don't tell them no).
I'm sure drive in theaters would have their own challenges as it is a whole car going in and they tend to be smaller businesses. Concessions is one of the main ways theaters make money, absolutely. Even when a customer brings in their own stuff, they will often still pick up something at concessions too. Or at least that was what my workplace told thier new hires. I think the second ways are memberships, gift cards, and brand newly released films. We don't have drive ins where I am at. I think the last one that existed was in the 80s.
I'm one of the few people in life I know that doesn't like popcorn, so I usually get chocolate or candy, lol. That being said, I don't go to movie theaters that often anymore. It's been ages since I last went.
Nachos and/or popcorn that I eat before the movie. but I already brought a bag of litchis.
I haven't been to a theater for years, now I watch movies at home and get salty, sweet, sour snack... all the snacks.
We don’t really go to the movies anymore, so now when we watch a movie at home, we usually make dinner beforehand or have some ice cream. I love buttery kettle corn, but I honestly can’t stand how the kernels always get stuck in my teeth or throat, so I end up skipping it altogether. Sometimes we’ll have spicy chips, some type of sour candy and something sweet.