i havent watched all of it but imo it's pretty bad. it seems like it's just trying to be edgy and different, and the "giant plot twist" thingg is only weird imo, not rly interesting?? ok e
I haven't started season 2 yet. I usually like to let shows come to completion before watching them. It's too hard for me waiting from week to week to see what happens.
like it makes really pointed comments about society, business and politics
it has an accurate portrayal of mental illness that's more than just "i'm so depressed"
the writing and acting an cinematography is amazing
and yeah okay it has plot twists but... they actually advance the story in a meaningful way? the plot twist from season one is really being explored in season two
they're not gimmicky they're actually really well used
sorry i'm not trying to be argumentative and maybe i'm biased because i like it
out of pure curiosity - what parts didn't you like?
Like any TV show, some people like it and some don't. I thought the first season was very good at critiquing American society and culture and touching issues which are usually considered taboo to discuss. The second season is okay, but there has been more violence and killings than I'd like to see from the show. I hope they don't ruin the show by overplaying the underground conspiracies and killing people a lot like there is in a lot of other shows.