Mushroom Results & Saylor’s Spreadsheet

Golden booton failed us 😓 Can someone please update the spreadsheet for me? The doc doesn't like me being on mobile
The Scamperin' Foraged Mushroom is Safe! If anyone could add that to the spreadsheet, that would be great, please and thank you!

By the way, the icons for Ramblin' and Scamperin' need to be swapped on the spreadhseet; when they were initially added to the site, they were given the wrong names and it has since been fixed. Ramblin' is the red one and Scamperin' is the blue one.
The lag is really bad right now but I came to say the Magenta Brushroom was poisonous.
Blue Dragon Mushroom is safe! I was going to update my result but it seems someone already beat me to it haha. I see a lot of poisonous ones on that sheet though omg 😭

my son is evil 😪
Thank you again for making this spreadsheet and thank you to the mushroom testers. It's a big help on saving the spores for the good mushrooms!
Fuchsia Trombone is safe! I’m so happy, it’s such a pretty color 💜 If someone is able to update that on the spreadsheet I would appreciate it, I don’t have the app to edit it
the flushroom was a flush indeed lol

at least I get to see the lovely unfortunate mushroom in my lineup again 🥰