Mustard or ketchup?

Mustard or ketchup

  • Mustard

  • Ketchup

  • Other

  • I don't like condiments

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Lover of cats 😻
Mar 28, 2024
Tasty Cake
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
Pretty simple another of my weird questions to see what this forum favors but I'll start by saying ketchup is my favorite and always will be.
I prefer mustard because its sort of healthier and I like the taste of it more
I am not keen on many condiments but I have to vote ketchup. My mum always had to have it on everything.
Ketchup. I put mustard in a chicken wrap once and it was really nice but then one bite had ALOT of it and it burned my throat and I was coughing for a good 10 minutes, which put me off it
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Oh wait I didn't see the other option. GIVE ME SRIRACHA

I like mustard and ketchup but if I have to choose one condiment I'd go for some salsa.I think salsa is more versatile and I use it way more than mustard or ketchup.
It depends. On hot dogs mustard 100%. Ketchup just doesn't vibe well on hot dogs for me. If it's a burger, probably ketchup over mustard, but I'll probably just use mayo. Mustard is good on ham and cheese sandwiches.
Ketchup. I don't like tomatoes on their own, but for some reason I like things made with tomatoes (ketchup, tomato sauces, tomato soup etc). I don't like mustard at all and never have, either on its own or on food.
I prefer mustard because its sort of healthier and I like the taste of it more
With more options than ketchup or mustard it differs greatly on what food. For example, on french fries I prefer mustard or mayo. On hamburguers I prefer ketchup or mayo. I really like pico on most things Mexican food or with empanadas. Basil pesto is probably my most favourite in Italian food.
I like ketchup.

Mustard is one of those things that I don't like and it makes life inconvenient. I have to wipe it off my food. Even then, the taste lingers.
Neither for me. I don't use many condiments in general. A bit of mayo on a sandwich or maybe some honey mustard dipping sauce on occasion, but that's it.

I used to like ketchup when I was a kid, but as I've grown older I now find it rather sickening. I've always despised regular yellow mustard.
Of the two, I prefer mustard. I quite like spicy stuff and enjoy the flavor, it's low in calories and it doesn't need to have sugar or any alternative sweeteners added. That said, stuff like honey mustard is also great, though I don't consume it as often.

I do like the taste of ketchup, but I stopped consuming it since I didn't find it all that necessary. Maybe I'll try a no sugar added variety sometime, but I'm not in a rush.

I will say that I liked having both ketchup and mustard together on things like burgers though. There's no need for them to fight; they can hug it out instead.

As far as other condiments are concerned, hot sauce and sriracha are nice.
I loved ketchup as a kid. My fav hotdog condiments was ketchup and cheese. Mustard was gross to me at the time.

Now that I'm an adult, I love using mustard, no ketchup. My hotdogs and hamburgers get mustard and raw onion, mmm.
Neither, but I do like stadium mustard and honey mustard, as far as mustard goes. I only chose neither because to me, mustard as a broad term is yellow mustard and I don’t like yellow mustard. Ketchup is vile.
When I saw the title of this thread I couldn't stop thinking about that one scene from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie...
What'll it be, fellas? Mustard or ketchup?! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
(that's what I could remember, at least.)

In all seriousness, I prefer barbeque sauce and house dressings over ketchup and mustard.
Always preferred ketchup. While I have grown to like mustard quite a bit in the past couple of years, I wouldn't go out of my way to consume huge quantities of it at a time. If anything, I prefer relish over mustard as it tastes much better.

Funnily enough, I absolutely despise ketchup chips. 😆
I used to love ketchup and hate tomatoes as a kid. Funnily enough, as an adult now I hate ketchup and love tomatoes. Go figure.

Mustard is based though. A healthier choice of condiment and tastes great on a lot of things. I incorporate it into my diet when I can.
I like both, but don't use either too often. On a hot dog I'll have both together.

Big fan of srichichia and srichicha mayo right now.