My 145 liter blackwater biotope aquarium

The friendcode exchanger

Senior Member
Mar 19, 2015
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Pear (Fruit)
I am an 18 year old male aquarist with aspbergers who is very interested in the fishkeeping hobby in general and I quite frequently read about things like fish and invertebrates.

3 months ago I got my first aquarium setup and this is how it used to look like in the beginning

and this is how it looks like now 3 months later after the initial setup

I also have a youtube channel called Axelrodi mansion where I upload videos every 2 weeks on sundays of my aquarium and I also try to share some of my knowledge.

Cardinal tetra in latin is called paracheirodon axelrodi so I used some creativity and combined axelrodi with mansion so in reality I could have called it cardinal tetra mansion but I chose not to.

When I chose my fish I initially wanted cardinal tetras and we bought 10 wild caught specimens of them along with some corydoras duplicareus catfish to kickstart the undergravel filter.

Eventually we added some driftwood collected from the local countryside forest which is where I got my rocks from as well.

We also got some plants installed as well which have been thriving ever since then except for my floating amazon frogbit plants.

Researching the cardinal tetra I found out these fish typically live in rainforest rivers stained brown because a large amount of decomposing organic materials such as leaf litter and fallen down fruits release tannic acids which are completely harmless and they also offer a natural protection against harmful bacteria and fungi.

To give my fish this enviroment that is similair to nature I use a couple of roibos tea bags usually 4 - 6 of them and as for the tea it only contains the roibois tea and nothing else harmful such as caffeine.

As for the fish I have 30 of them 15 of them being cardinal tetras 7 of them are catfish those being octocinclus and corydoras catfish along with 6 wild caught marbled hatchetfish and 1 pair of german blue ram cichlids a male and a female.

If I can keep up the good maintenance they should be able to live for many years possibly 5 to 8 years if I am lucky.

Afterwards I am considering getting something more advanced such as discus fish or piranhas if I can afford the space needed for it.

Do feel free to share your thoughts down below of what you think?
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This was all super interesting to read! Your setup looks great, and by the sound of this post, you're quite knowledgeable. I'm definitely going to check out your YouTube channel.

I've never had these kinds of fish/habitats myself. I've only had regular fish as pets years and years ago. The closest I got to exotics was when they mutated. lol

Otherwise- thanks for sharing!

EDIT: Watched your videos! Your fish are super pretty. :D
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Wow, very nice aquarium. What do you think about live rocks, are they important? I have read a lot of articles about that and can't decide.
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