My Animal Crossing 3DS


Junior Member
Dec 5, 2005
Throwback Tickets
Alright AC:WW and Town Folk were pretty awsome I loved them, but they should take the game to a whole new level this time.

First off, with the new 3DS, of course a graphics boost, thats a given. The graphics for TF were nice and smooth, but WW was a little choppy. AC3DS should get a boost, which I'm sure it will. Next, to make use of the motion sensor,they could use it with fishing like on the Wii. Then to make use of the gyro scope, use it to look around, but also use the Dpad to look around as well. That would add some character to the game, and a scence of what the 3DS is capable of. Now onto some additions to the games content. I think that they should make as much of the world and items usable. For example: In your house you have a fish tank, make it so you can interact with the fish, like feeding them and customising the tank and have more than one fish in it, or add kitchen items, and allow the player to cook. This way you can do more in your house than sit, turn the lights on and off, listen to music and lay in your bed to save. Next, make the world even bigger, add more travel options, more stores in the town, and be able to travel to random peoples town to mingle and meet new friends. This way it boosts the games online play. Now, speaking of online, they should add the ability to trade or set up your own shop for your visiters to visit and buy items, or simply trade with you for different items. Another thing I would add is more tools to help you maintain your town, like a riding lawn mower to save time pulling weeds when you forget to play for a week. Or a handheld town status checker, to help you figure out what setction of land isn't perfect. Next I think that they should add more randoms to the game, like a certain traveling salesman that sells items from previous games, or somthing along those lines.

Thats just some of what I would like to see in the next Animal Crossing. Make it big, make it shine, make it so awsome that it will catch anyone and everyone with a 3DS's eyes.
Alright AC:WW and Town Folk were pretty awsome I loved them, but they should take the game to a whole new level this time.

First off, with the new 3DS, of course a graphics boost, thats a given. The graphics for TF were nice and smooth, but WW was a little choppy. AC3DS should get a boost, which I'm sure it will. Next, to make use of the motion sensor,they could use it with fishing like on the Wii. Then to make use of the gyro scope, use it to look around, but also use the Dpad to look around as well. That would add some character to the game, and a scence of what the 3DS is capable of. Now onto some additions to the games content. I think that they should make as much of the world and items usable. For example: In your house you have a fish tank, make it so you can interact with the fish, like feeding them and customising the tank and have more than one fish in it, or add kitchen items, and allow the player to cook. This way you can do more in your house than sit, turn the lights on and off, listen to music and lay in your bed to save. Next, make the world even bigger, add more travel options, more stores in the town, and be able to travel to random peoples town to mingle and meet new friends. This way it boosts the games online play. Now, speaking of online, they should add the ability to trade or set up your own shop for your visiters to visit and buy items, or simply trade with you for different items. Another thing I would add is more tools to help you maintain your town, like a riding lawn mower to save time pulling weeds when you forget to play for a week. Or a handheld town status checker, to help you figure out what setction of land isn't perfect. Next I think that they should add more randoms to the game, like a certain traveling salesman that sells items from previous games, or somthing along those lines.

Thats just some of what I would like to see in the next Animal Crossing. Make it big, make it shine, make it so awsome that it will catch anyone and everyone with a 3DS's eyes.
They should be able to do quite a lot more for Animal Crossing 3DS as I've heard somewhere that the Nintendo 3DS cartridges are able to hold up to 8GB of data.
I wish they would get rid of the rolling landscape and just give us a flat world with a 360 degree camera.
I actually like the rolling world, and the camera angle... a flat camera angle would be horrible... then the accessory's would be useless because you wouldn't see them.
agrred with ganondorf...but the ideas goobbashell has are even better maybe even nintendo would of though of it!!! I really would like to see everything he said but maybe they did even better!and yes the house fetures are quiet boring i would like for my player to at least be hungry so i would have a reason to feed him and more than just fish that never die no matter how long they starv and dont even get me started on pulling one month of no gameplays weeds!!! UUGH but yeah all that aside they should do a lot better than ACCF and WW combined!