My Experience with Nookazon after 6 months

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Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Okay so I've used Nookazon for 6 months and I just want to express how my experience with this site has been and I'm just going to tell you its been pretty rough. I giveaway villagers out to people who need them, but when people don't have an empty plot this is where it can get complicated. First they tell me to wait until they are kicking out a villager. It sounds simple right? But then tell me after hours of waiting that they already got their offer accepted by another seller when I was still waiting for them. I know most people might not understand this but I had to make several reports to people who keep giving me 1 stars, playing the victim as if I did something wrong. It takes a long while for moderators to respond and when they do I have to explain everything to them and of course I have to keep track of the screenshots. I understand that they get a lot of reports thats fine, but still its really frustrating when you're tying your best to be a good seller and yet people find ways to make things harder.

I am never a bad person or a scammer. I take my trades seriously because I've been scammed like twice. I still hate myself for falling for their trap after I was so confident that I wasn't going to get scammed but it happened to me. Usually I tell people what to do when they trade with me but most times they want to do it their way and there is a disagreement there is drama. They cancel their offer and just lash out a 1 Star review just because I told them to follow what they are suppose to do. So now you know my struggles with this site and how I take my trades seriously. I know it sounds messed up but its what I've been dealing for a long time. I'm curious to hear how people experience Nookazon
I don't get why you're getting a 1 star review for giving away villagers. That means that they're getting them and services for free. How ungrateful and petty do you have to be to rate someone low and not go through with a trade offer that is free?
I don't get why you're getting a 1 star review for giving away villagers. That means that they're getting them and services for free. How ungrateful and petty do you have to be to rate someone low and not go through with a trade offer that is free?
Because people make offers on multiple villagers and they forget certain ones that they made and they cancel one of them, I mean common sense would tell you that you can only adopt one villager at a time when you have an empty plot but apparently most people I trade on Nookazon don't seem to understand it.
I've done about 300 trades there with no problem. Only a few were for villagers though. I chose to do those villager trades with people who have only 5 star reviews, like I do. Maybe you could do your villager trades here? People here seem honest and villager trades I've done here have gone very smoothly. Nookazon generally doesn't seem to me to be well set up for trades that require special instructions; Bell Tree Forums would be better for that.

My number one tip for using Nookazon as a seller is to decide how much you think is a fair price for whatever you are selling and just ask for that price. Better yet, post a price that is a little below what other people are charging. For example, I easily and quickly got 70 NMT for a genuine Valiant statue at a time when most sellers had it listed for 80 to 100 NMT. Setting a price makes trading go much more smoothly than haggling over everything by taking offers.

My other tip is check reviews. You can decline to trade with someone whose reviews aren't great. It's one of the options in the drop down menu, I believe.

Also, read the profiles on people's pages. Look for people whose norms match yours. For example, on my Nookazon profile, I state that as a seller I won't hold items long. When I'm logged in and trading, I want the trades to happen quickly. I am not patient. Some people are more patient. Try to trade with people who match your idea of smooth trading.

I wouldn't offer things for free on Nookazon, because then you can attract people who are being flaky. If you want to give stuff away, this web site seems like a much better option because the social fabric is stronger.
I've done about 300 trades there with no problem. Only a few were for villagers though. I chose to do those villager trades with people who have only 5 star reviews, like I do. Maybe you could do your villager trades here? People here seem honest and villager trades I've done here have gone very smoothly. Nookazon generally doesn't seem to me to be well set up for trades that require special instructions; Bell Tree Forums would be better for that.

My number one tip for using Nookazon as a seller is to decide how much you think is a fair price for whatever you are selling and just ask for that price. Better yet, post a price that is a little below what other people are charging. For example, I easily and quickly got 70 NMT for a genuine Valiant statue at a time when most sellers had it listed for 80 to 100 NMT. Setting a price makes trading go much more smoothly than haggling over everything by taking offers.

My other tip is check reviews. You can decline to trade with someone whose reviews aren't great. It's one of the options in the drop down menu, I believe.

Also, read the profiles on people's pages. Look for people whose norms match yours. For example, on my Nookazon profile, I state that as a seller I won't hold items long. When I'm logged in and trading, I want the trades to happen quickly. I am not patient. Some people are more patient. Try to trade with people who match your idea of smooth trading.

I wouldn't offer things for free on Nookazon, because then you can attract people who are being flaky. If you want to give stuff away, this web site seems like a much better option because the social fabric is stronger.
Well I try my best but even then I have people who make offers and just take long to respond. Even when I see they have great reviews for whatever reason they take long to respond. Most times I contact them on discord and they don't respond. Then after hours of waiting they finally responded saying "Oh sorry I forgot I made this offer" or "Sorry I didn't set my Nookazon status to offline you can cancel" this not only frustrates me but it makes me wonder why people think its okay to do this? As a seller you would expect a response from people who are online and are ready to trade but most times in my experience I never got that.
You are absolutely right that these people are being rude and wasting your time. Canceling trades last minute, being careless, making you wait, blantly saying 'I forgot I made an offer'. While they are being bluntly honest it still falls on them to keep track of their own stuff. They shouldn't even be giving you a 1 star review cause there was no trade to be had. I've heard of people getting reviews for follows/follow backs and other random stuff that doesn't pertain to trading, but that's not what the review system is for. The long respond back time I usually don't mind cause I get people are busy and they get caught up in work, school, daily life ect... I make it a point to the seller I'm trading with that they know I may not respond quickly. Atleast they can apologize, offer a reason or just straight up say they got busy. Again it does fall on them to be more on top of these things.

I've never used Nookazon and I generally don't do trades elsewhere unless it's with online moots that I have on twitter/tumblr. I've read too many scam call-out posts on twitter and I'm extremely wary of any outsiders that I let on my island. BellTree is a great place to trade, but I can understand why you might favour Nookazon.
I'm definitely far more comfortable here on the forums as I find people to be a lot more forgiving, kinder and just genuinely nice. I have at least one bad experience everyday on Nookazon, like yesterday someone was selling a celeste visit so i offered what everyone else was offering, 2 NMT and saw i got a message from the person and almost immediately after they cancelled, and when you cancel an offer it removes the chat from your log, so I was like hm, okay., maybe it was a mistake because that's happened many times before, and when I offer again the girl starts cursing me out and calling me names because i re-offered- I explained to them that if they cancel the trade I can't see what they said, anyways they're like oh maybe I can get a spot for you then, and I politely decline :)

I've never experienced anyone like that here after years of being on here, it really put me off tbh and just reminded me of how much better it is here, like a much safer space
Stuff like this is why I don't use that site 😕 I'm not a super invested trader- I trade occasionally when I really need an item quickly for a photoshoot or a decoration or something. And I occasionally adopt/buy villagers from other people, too, or adopt my villagers out. But all that stuff can be done on here, and I've had exactly zero bad experiences on this site. The review system here is really great- not sure why the review system on Nookazon sounds so much shadier?
Every time this type of thread pops up, its always negative, lol. Goes to show a lot, to be honest.
This is why I do not do villager trades on Nookazon. People can be really inconsiderate when it comes to buying villagers. Best thing to do is to message the buyer first, tell them the rules and if they don't comply with them then they aren't getting the code. If they decide to throw a fit over it, all you can do is leave them a bad review, contact the mods and wait.

Honestly I haven't had much issues outside of villager trades/giveaways, so if you no longer want to deal with the massive toxicity that can be on there, I'd steer clear of villager related transactions.
This is why I do not do villager trades on Nookazon. People can be really inconsiderate when it comes to buying villagers. Best thing to do is to message the buyer first, tell them the rules and if they don't comply with them then they aren't getting the code. If they decide to throw a fit over it, all you can do is leave them a bad review, contact the mods and wait.

Honestly I haven't had much issues outside of villager trades/giveaways, so if you no longer want to deal with the massive toxicity that can be on there, I'd steer clear of villager related transactions.
You see while I would give them a constructive criticism review. They still give me a 1 star review and act so childish. When I reported this to a mod. They told me they removed because it was known as a "Retaliation Review" which goes against their rules. I mean I would think people on this site would know it seems to be happening a lot of times. I do message them first but even so they still take a long time to reply. I honestly don't understand why people make an offer and next thing you know they like ghost you the moment you respond to them.
Nookazon is the worst, I find using it to be impossible. I don’t think I’ve ever had a positive interaction there. Every single time I try to buy a villager it’s super expensive and the sale falls though. Every single time!!

I’ve never give anyone a bad review, even for these bad experiences. I just usually move on so if someone is giving you 1 star reviews after they cause the delay that’s ridiculous. Honestly I’m not using the site anymore, it’s not worth it.
Well I try my best but even then I have people who make offers and just take long to respond. Even when I see they have great reviews for whatever reason they take long to respond. Most times I contact them on discord and they don't respond. Then after hours of waiting they finally responded saying "Oh sorry I forgot I made this offer" or "Sorry I didn't set my Nookazon status to offline you can cancel" this not only frustrates me but it makes me wonder why people think its okay to do this? As a seller you would expect a response from people who are online and are ready to trade but most times in my experience I never got that.

yeah a lot of people are unresponsive on nookazon. I don’t understand it. They make an offer and I accept it within a few minutes, and then they just never show up or say anything to me. Its like they made the offer and then threw their phone or computer out the window. I usually cancel after 40 minutes if they haven’t said anything to me. I’m not very patient, and I really dislike waiting hours for people to show up.
Nookazon is the worst, I find using it to be impossible. I don’t think I’ve ever had a positive interaction there. Every single time I try to buy a villager it’s super expensive and the sale falls though. Every single time!!

I’ve never give anyone a bad review, even for these bad experiences. I just usually move on so if someone is giving you 1 star reviews after they cause the delay that’s ridiculous. Honestly I’m not using the site anymore, it’s not worth it.
Part of me wishes I want to quit that site but after having like 1,000 reviews from people who actually listened and really followed through with the trade its really making me question about this site. Like I know there is nice people on there but its so hard to find them since like I mentioned before there is a lot of toxic people on there.
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yeah a lot of people are unresponsive on nookazon. I don’t understand it. They make an offer and I accept it within a few minutes, and then they just never show up or say anything to me. Its like they made the offer and then threw their phone or computer out the window. I usually cancel after 40 minutes if they haven’t said anything to me. I’m not very patient, and I really dislike waiting hours for people to show up.
Yeah I do the same thing too if I don't hear from them in like 30 minutes I cancel their offer and relist the item/villager I'm trading away.
You see while I would give them a constructive criticism review. They still give me a 1 star review and act so childish. When I reported this to a mod. They told me they removed because it was known as a "Retaliation Review" which goes against their rules. I mean I would think people on this site would know it seems to be happening a lot of times. I do message them first but even so they still take a long time to reply. I honestly don't understand why people make an offer and next thing you know they like ghost you the moment you respond to them.

Usually when that happens, I message them one more time and wait 10-20 minutes, if I'm still not getting a response, I'd cancel their offer. But yeah, there's a lot of immature folks on there, or those that just offer and go offline. It's annoying, but all you can do is move on to the next offer if the other party is no where to be found.
Usually when that happens, I message them one more time and wait 10-20 minutes, if I'm still not getting a response, I'd cancel their offer. But yeah, there's a lot of immature folks on there, or those that just offer and go offline. It's annoying, but all you can do is move on to the next offer if the other party is no where to be found.
Yeah I do it all the time. Its very annoying and painful, but eventually I get someone else who's more responsive.
I haven't had any issues with it at all.

After reading most of your posts, I really hope you're able to find consistent joy with this game.
I usually sell popular diys on Nookazon, and these get gobbled up really quickly because my prices are pretty reasonable. I have also sold villagers, but mostly for fewer than 20 nmts or are free, as my favored villagers are not high tier.

The only bad experience was when I gave away Cube for free. A girl responded and came, but she left without taking him because she only wanted to chat with him to check him out. That was a waste of time. If she had asked to visit him, I'd have ok'ed it, because it's sweet. But I was trying to give him away so he'd not end up in the void. I still get shivers thinking about Rhonda, who I had cast to the void before knowing that this game schematic existed.
y-you’ve been given one star reviews when someone neglected to tell you that they got their offer for a villager accepted by someone else after you’d been waiting around for hours?? jesus.

i’ve never used nookazon but with each story and experience that gets shared, the likelihood of me ever using it decreases more and more. i’m sorry you’ve had a rough experience, OP; you didn’t deserve any of that at all.
Hi there,

These types of threads have come up on occasion, and while it may be frustrating to have a bad experience on another trading forum, it is not appropriate to discuss them here on the Bell Tree. I will close this thread now!
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