WHOSOEVER has my friend code (sothe for example)can come over now but if anyone needs my friend code(squishysaar,funkyfreshness,rocket meowth,Quin3n,and the rest)just reply to this topic.
rules no picking anything no bad language no vandilizing.And last but not least have a good time.
Uhh, Peso? It was my friend that wants to visit =)
Okay ?
Her name is Katrine from Nyappy and her friend code is: 1161-4633-3875 and she needs your code ;-)
Of course you can X3 I got loads of posts and im really confused but easy as it is: We just say that everyone that wants come to MY town
Lost; just add Katrine: Her name is Katrine from Nyappy and her friend code is: 1161-4633-3875..
She adds you now: But you havents written your town name ?
SORRY EVERYONE! It happened D;
We ha'd to have first person got visit/visits .. T^T
Katrine ended up at MattyofAlbinos house.
Ask him if you can come ;-)