total a-hole
- Get rid of ranks, straight up, it's a no-brainer. Less spam, less confusion, less rank-ism, etc. We aren't (or at least shouldn't be) the NSider.
- Trash some of the unnecessary boards and combine them. (i.e. Forum Games, Advertisements)
- Trash console-specific boards and create three new ones. (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony)
- Make Brewster's Cafe a sub-forum of Off Topic.
- Make TBT Marketplace a sub-forum of The Bell Tree HQ.
- Do we honestly need like, five Animal Crossing boards? Condense them and create sub-forums. I've always been 'pro-trashing the Animal Crossing theme', but I know that won't happen. I just minimize the entire category anyway.
- I dunno, we already have an Affiliates section, do we really need an Advertisements one, too? It doesn't make sense.
- Revise the rules, I break five to six of them every day.
- Remove the Bell System. It didn't work before, I do not have any confidence in it this time around.
- What is going on with the site? I remember when we finally got that up, it was kind of exciting. I think it'd help the forum overall if we made it, I dunno, active again? Maybe changed the theme slightly? I dunno, something.