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My phone got stolen. And the gang who committed the crime were very organized.


not a bad member
Jul 4, 2013
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That's the type of transportation where my phone got stolen.​

I'm a short, unassuming white boy in a predominantly brown-skinned country. My university is located near a local street market teeming with people whose livelihood just teeters by the poverty line. I was raised in a high middle-class family and I was still under the appearance that people can't not be good! Not in a chance would random strangers would commit some heinous crime on me, especially after months of nothing bad happening to me! Heh. Nope. Wrong.

My city has two main modes of public road transportation: a taxi and a jeepney. A jeepney is a twin-benched bus, seating about a dozen passengers. I ride a jeepney after I'm done with classes as it's cheap and easy to find.

It was 5 PM and the sun was shining against me. I was waiting for a jeepney to stop by since I was planning to go to a local mall afterwards. My backpack was expanding due to the sheer amount of books and a relatively big pair of rubber shoes I brought for gym classes. A lure for thieves.

Now my bag contained many valuables other than that. It had an iPad Mini, my wallets and credit card, drivers license, the aforementioned books and shoes, and a Flash Drive. Total cash worth - $400. Adding to that is my phone (RIP), a Samsung Galaxy Grand (~$200). I was naive and just placed it in my pocket. I have rode jeepneys and have done that dozens of times before, but little did I know that that was the time I'd end up regretting it.

This is where the story starts. I hailed a jeepney that was half packed. It stopped 10 meters ahead of me. Eh, that was typical since the driver would want to go where more would-be passengers would crowd. As I walked towards the jeepney, around seven people were queueing to enter the jeepney. I was waiting for all of them to enter when someone on my right bumped me when I was near the entrance and entered the vehicle before me. Wow, "Lil' fu&ker", I thought. Then it happened.

I felt the slightest tug on my left pocket. At that time I was moderately concerned about it, but I did not come to the conclusion of it being theft. I checked my left and saw a medium-build man wearing a crumpled marine shirt, shorts, and carrying a dirty beige bag. His hands were moving in the direction behind his bag, palm facing inwards. I did not pay more attention after this and entered the jeepney looking for a place to sit. I was on the verge of sitting beside one of the muggers, but I ended up sitting opposite to him since there was more space.

I quickly checked my bag to make sure my phone was in there. I felt a surge of panic and helplessness when I couldn't find it. I was looking at the people in front of me and their faces were all very rugged and unkempt. I just wanted to remember their faces to contact police afterwards. I didn't get to prove if they were part of the scheme, but something felt so .. off about it.

After 30 seconds being in the jeepney, which stopped because the lights were red, the man I was suspicious of started shouting in an unnerving, almost angry manner. "Your phone was stolen and the man who caught it is outside! Maybe you can catch up to him!" I was confused and my brain overloaded. Panic rose within me and I couldn't see the man outside the jeepney that took my phone. The thing is, I don't remember how he looked like at that time. Heck, he could've boarded the jeepney while I was entering.

The next series of events were made by my stupid decision-making skills. I exited the jeepney to look for the person they allegedly said took my phone. Without my freaking bag. Yes.. No.. I can't explain what was in my thought process that time, because I couldn't think logically. I wanted my phone back and I was sure it wasn't with me. And I couldn't find the thief too, which I believe was just something they said to distract me and/or drive me out of the jeepney.

I was very mad at myself for letting this happen to me. I couldn't contact my parents, friends, anyone. I was just outside the jeepney talking with one of the street vendors about the 'thief', when I see my bag getting passed along near the entrance/exit of the jeep. It had actually been opened. WTF.

I was pleasantly surprised to see all my valuables still inside. I just rode another jeep and that was when I processed everything that happened.

One of the thieves, as I was entering the jeepney, hit me on the right to distract me from the other guy pickpocketing my phone on the left. The people in front of me wanted me out of the jeepney because I was eyeing them closely when I seated myself. This was all pre-planned and they probably had a reaction planned for whatever action I did.

Right now I see this as an unfortunate but learning experience. The danger of this situation brought me to believe that I should always be careful of my surroundings and to keep valuables safe. You may have already encounter these words just rephrased slightly, and believe me when I say I felt very nonchalant about it as you may do so now. But you will feel a deep regret to yourself once it actually happens to you.

I luckily had a lock on my phone so they cant access my details, but when I asked my mom to call the phone an hour later, the message played back as if the phone's number hadn't existed at all. Right now it could just be in a store in the street market where it is being sold for a very cheap price without my SIM card. And in fact, I'm almost certain it is.

Ah well, c'est la vie.


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I rather speak in cebuano but mao lage OA kaayo ko pili sa seat doh ALWAYS sit beside middle-high class ppl.
Okay rana bby boi ur mama will buy a new phone for you... NOKIA 3360
i was about to write a big response saying, basically, that's nice but then i realized this was you blogging
Sorry about your phone. Early last December we had someone try to break into the house and we'd been kind of slack with home security for the past few years, so if my brother hadn't been there and scared them off he would've gotten in the house. You never really think something like this will happen until it does.
Blu Rose;bt12293 said:
i was about to write a big response saying, basically, that's nice but then i realized this was you blogging