I think why people consider these laws so boycott worthy is because access to a bathroom is a basic human right? Like imagine being in a situation where you couldn't use a bathroom. Now you might be like "they can just use their biological bathroom" well not really, if you're a trans man for instance, very visibly a man, maybe even post-op and have all the male "equipment" and you can't use the men's restroom because that's not your biological bathroom, and so you try to go into the women's and the women kick you out for being a creep trying to use their bathroom. See the problem? Goes both ways too, but men would perhaps be a bit too receptive to a feminine person using their restroom, if receptive at all. So that person is forced to hold in everything until they get home or whatever because they don't have access to this thing that they inherently need to survive, ya know, cause everyone needs a bathroom to use. I feel like there need to just be more "open" bathrooms. And honestly the only problem with that is they'd have to make it so peeping wasn't possible, by making fully walled stalls instead of the awkward stalls they have these days. But most businesses don't feel like making that happen, so it's really really crappy.