I'm not a fan of the "everyone gets a trophy" approach with Toy Day in NH. In NL, getting Jingle's photo was a reward for putting in the effort to find out what your villagers want and figuring out which present to give each of them. If you don't get Jingle's photo in NL, it's not the end of the world. You can try again with another character, TT back to Toy Day, or just wait until next year. It's not like Jingle's photo was a popular house decoration that people had to have. For me, Toy Day was one of the few events in NL that was fun without being repetitive. In NH, it's just talk to all of your villagers which is something you have to do 50 times for a Nook Miles achievement.Just me... I never liked New Leaf's toy day to begin with - as well as that game's Harvest Festival. The reason: If you make a mistake in either one, you'd lose the ability to get certain items for that day, and you'd have to reset in order to 'redo' the events to get them. This was really, really annoying, especially for younger players and people who don't want to wiki-search events all the time.
I'm glad that, even though Toy Day became a bit oversimplified, it did not follow this "get it right or lose" part of these holidays in New Leaf. It was a fairly relaxing and low key for me as a result, as I was less worrisome about making a mistake. Turkey Day was way better, though.