My Thoughts on the Toy Day Event (SPOLIER WARNING)

I just have to add that I didn't expect Toy Day to have that much dialogue related. Villagers were talking about it before the event, they had dialogue before starting the Jingle quest, while doing it and after finishing it. They also had the extra dialogue about the Exchanging gifts quest and after trading, they also had dialogue. Today, the also had new lines about how the event went for everybody.

And most of the lines had variants depending if you were wearing the Santa outfit and if you were on the SH due to seasonal differences (alongside new music). I also read somewhere they had special dialogue if you gifted them the toys from Nook's Cranny, but I don't remember Mathilda's one, which was the only one who got a dollhouse on my island.
That's literally what I just said... That they run an update on the actual date.

The article says you cannot time travel because you need the update first. Entirely different than patching time travel AFTER an update, which is what I was referring to for Turkey/Toy Day if you go back and read my posts.

What I am trying to explain:
The method that they did for Turkey/Toy Day is different than previous events and that is a fact. If you say it is the same exact thing as for Egg Day, that is misinformation.

Conclusively, that means time travel was not even an option for events that required updates on the same day of the event, because the content was not even there prior to the update. However, it became "patched" for Turkey/Toy Day. This is because after downloading the update (which means the content is now in the game) you could not time travel to it.

Omg, how hard it is to understand a simple concept. Nintendo always releases the update first with all the content files but will again run a small update on the day itself to check time/date and unlock the event. Easter, Wedding, Musuem Day, May Day, Turkey Day and Toy Day all same. The game updates itself automatically for most hence you might not know it’s been updated.

If you have no WiFi on Turkey/Toy Day (actual date) you cannot play the event. Why? Because your game needs to download the update that is run on the day itself.

Here, there’s even a detail guide how to get the winter update on 24th December though for majority it happens automatically. It’s the literal exact same thing for previous events except Halloween.

I get that it's short because it's a busy time of year, which is good for the general audience, but it was pretty disappointing compared to NL. Turkey Day I enjoyed, but Halloween and Toy Day, not so much.
Before anyone asks how I got it, it was unlocked in Sydney, Australia so I was able to play the event in that region. So I am going to give my thoughts on the Toy Day Event. This Spoilers so if you don't want to read this then click away from the thread:

Okay so I completed the event in 30 minutes and I am just going to say this I am VERY disappointed with this event. Just as I feared they made it way too simple and too easy. So I dressed up as Santa, Spoke to Jingle he tells me to craft 3 Wrapping Papers for him and gives me the DIY for Festive Wrapper Paper. So I crafted it, gave it to him, and then he gives me the magic bag with all the Toy Day gifts inside. The game didn't let me look inside like in New Leaf so that was already a bad sign. I spoke to my villagers and just like I feared they are like "Oh you're working for Santa thats cool!" it doesn't matter if you're wearing the Santa Suit the villagers act like they know who you are already. I gave them all and the thing I noticed when giving the gifts to Marina, Judy, and Raymond. They gave me gifts in return I guess if you have a high friendship with them they will give you gifts too because none of my other villagers gave me anything in return. So after that I delivered all the presents, I talked to Jingle, takes the gift bag off of me, and then gives me the Toy Day Sleigh and the DIY for the Gift Pile. I checked what gifts Raymond, Judy, and Marina gave ma and guess what its the same toys that we've already bought in the shop. I got the RC Helicopter, Kid's Tent, and a Dollhouse. I mean what?! This event really felt underwhelming. If you ask if you can do it with multiple users you can but it plays out the same way so I guess if you want to get multiple Toy Day Sleighs then that will be good. Overall this event was lackluster, really was hoping that it didn't be this short but it is what it is. I'm giving this a 6/10
I did think it was a bit more fun in New Leaf to have to give them the right gift based on hints. But I still enjoyed Toy Day. I like cataloging so it was nice to get variants of the toys I didn’t already have. I have a bigger problem with the holiday DIYs not arriving in time to enjoy them during the actual season. My bf never got any stuff, because he doesn’t play several hours a day of AC like me. I have no idea how more casual players could get any balloon DIYs, they are so rare. So that kind of bummed me out. But the dialog for the event was really sweet/cute and I really liked how on Christmas morning the villagers were still talking about it, saying how fun it was for them.
You can put me in the group of people who enjoyed Toy Day. I liked that we could give out "Santa" presents and then have a gift exchange with your villagers. I really liked that we could do both. I also really liked that the villagers didn't get disappointed if you gave them a different gift rather than the toy day toys. I didn't give my villagers any cheap things, so I don't know if they did if you gave them something cheap instead of something more expensive. I thought the villagers giving us variations of the toy day toys was really cute (coming from a player who didn't trade for the variations of the toy day toys). The music was amazing!

The only thing that I was really disappointed with was that Toy Day was on Christmas Eve and not Christmas. I could have sworn it was actually on the 25th in New Leaf. I'm glad I was paying a bit of attention or else I would have missed it. It looks like I already missed getting Jingle's picture because I didn't realize the stockings were interactable.
Omg, how hard it is to understand a simple concept. Nintendo always releases the update first with all the content files but will again run a small update on the day itself to check time/date and unlock the event. Easter, Wedding, Musuem Day, May Day, Turkey Day and Toy Day all same. The game updates itself automatically for most hence you might not know it’s been updated.

If you have no WiFi on Turkey/Toy Day (actual date) you cannot play the event. Why? Because your game needs to download the update that is run on the day itself.

Here, there’s even a detail guide how to get the winter update on 24th December though for majority it happens automatically. It’s the literal exact same thing for previous events except Halloween.

Honestly, I'm not going to further reply, nor read any replies regarding this topic, because you are missing my point and I am tired of repeating myself. I stand by what I said.

Have a nice day.
To be honest, Toy Day, as with most of the events so far was very lack lustre, I completely forgot about it till I logged on actually. I finished it within 15 mins, and it was just a bit boring to be honest. I love New Horizons, it's my favourite of the games, but it just feels a little like effort has been put into somethings, like the DIYs etc, and not into others, like events and personalities.
Honestly, I'm not going to further reply, nor read any replies regarding this topic, because you are missing my point and I am tired of repeating myself. I stand by what I said.

Have a nice day.

Of course you are entitled to believe what you want regardless if factually untrue or not. But would be best to research data mining and versions history before further spreading misinformation.

Have a great day.