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My town is finished! ~ Visit my dream town please ~


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
Apple (Fruit)
Blue Mote of Flame
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Yellow Candy
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Togepi Easter Egg
After a loooong time working on my town, it's finally finished!! (I used to have all my extra flowers scattered on the beach, but now it's all cleaned up and pretty :3 & I've put new paths & flowers on the beach).. If you haven't visited my dream town, or have't in a while, please stop by~ =) My town is fairy-tale themed.. with lots of pink & purple flowers.. xD DA is 5500-5128-3236, just in case the one in my sig is too small ;__;

Here's some screenshots..


Hope you guys enjoy it <3, and feel free to leave your DA if you want me to visit yours in return c: Since my town is completed, I'm just trying to work on my badge collections.. It would help towards my silver dreamer badge. (and it's so much better than going to random, empty towns =P) so yeah. I will let you know what I think about your dream town too! ;)
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Simply awesome! Nothing bad to say at all, I really loved it and it was fun to go through. Everything looked great and placing made sense, lots to see and do... great job!
I'll visit yours soon :)
Mine's 5500-5698-0883 if you want to see it. It's no where near done though.

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Wow, your town is really beautiful.
I really loved your Alice house, probably the most creative mix of item sets I've ever seen.
Simply awesome! Nothing bad to say at all, I really loved it and it was fun to go through. Everything looked great and placing made sense, lots to see and do... great job!

Aw thank you so much c: glad you like it! <3 Feel free to leave your DA if you want me to visit yours c: ~

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I'll visit yours soon :)
Mine's 5500-5698-0883 if you want to see it. It's no where near done though.

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Wow, your town is really beautiful.
I really loved your Alice house, probably the most creative mix of item sets I've ever seen.

I'll go visit your dream town after I'm done with trades ;)

& yeaa I probably put the most time decorating Alice's house >.< it took me a while, but it was really fun doing the Wonderland theme tho. Thank you so much for visiting! <3
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Looks super cute! I'll write it in my Dream address notebook.

{I keep a notebook full of dream adresses I have yet to visit, and I try n go once everyday to try n get the badge!}
Looks super cute! I'll write it in my Dream address notebook.

{I keep a notebook full of dream adresses I have yet to visit, and I try n go once everyday to try n get the badge!}

Thank you so much c: I really need to work on my badge too lol I'll probably visit your tumblr /DA later.. (I haven't touched my tumblr in months >.<).. I Love your town name. I was born & raised in Seoul, South Korea! c:

@PaperBag - 5500-5698-0883

I'm dreaming of your town now ;) you have a great map!!! wish I had it xD haha there's so much open space in bottom half, and you already have most of houses in North.. very nice c: and I love the landscaping around the fountain!! with all red hibiscus bushes blooming and flowers around it, looks super bright and nice c: Did you design some of your paths?? it's so creative and cute! Wish I had that talent xD.. oh and you picked the perfect spot for the cafe and police station in my opinion.. great job!! Keep up the great work <3
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Wow! From the pictures, you're town looks amazing! I'll visit it in the morning though. My town was almost done but now it seems like there are too many empty spaces :( btw, if you visit my town via dream address,it's in my sig, the red roses are for where blue roses will go and yellow roses are for gold roses (both of which I getting tomorrow)
Thank you so much c: I really need to work on my badge too lol I'll probably visit your tumblr /DA later.. (I haven't touched my tumblr in months >.<).. I Love your town name. I was born & raised in Seoul, South Korea! c:

ohh thats cool! My boyfriend is South korean and from Seoul.
I listen to kpop music and Seoul looks really pretty.
I hope to visit there one day and go to Hangang River!
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ohh thats cool! My boyfriend is South korean and from Seoul.
I listen to kpop music and Seoul looks really pretty.
I hope to visit there one day and go to Hangang River!

Aw, nice c: yea I really miss Korea.. all my family's there D: When I was little I used to ride my bike with my grandpa all the way to Hangang river Park.. haha so many memories <3 xD and there's so much fun stuff to do in Seoul.. lol hope you get to visit one day!! xD oh. by the way I replied to your thread in Retails board hahah

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wow! From the pictures, you're town looks amazing! I'll visit it in the morning though. My town was almost done but now it seems like there are too many empty spaces :( btw, if you visit my town via dream address,it's in my sig, the red roses are for where blue roses will go and yellow roses are for gold roses (both of which I getting tomorrow)

I will visit yours in shortly c: ~
@sdj4148 - town: Sapphire

wow, the roses (white, blue and gold) look great by the plaza c: and I like the location of the plaza.. i know lot of people prefer in the middle of the map.. very nice c: all the gyroids are so fun in your mayor's house! & I like the customized set on the left room.. is it customized blue set? Looks simple & neat c: Study room looks very nice in the basement too.. (I think I got you some of the stuff haha) oh, btw cedar saplings only grow in top half of the map.. I just saw some of them wilting in south ;__; and nice spot for campsite.. cedar trees around it adds a nice touch.. c: (my campsite is all the way in south so I couldn't plant cedars in my town xD) I really like what you've done so far and I bet it's going to look even nicer when you add more flowers and PWPs! c: great job ~ oh, you could add some presents/clothing around the plaza for dream visitors if you want c: (your town was updated at night and I'm wearing pajamas so I fit okay tho hahah)
After a loooong time working on my town, it's finally finished!!… If you haven't visited my dream town, or have't in a while, please stop by… [Dream Address] is 5500-5128-3236

I used my Applewin Mayor Jill to visit Dawn [on 07.30.2015].

I will offer comments as I display every picture I want to present.


^ Proof that I visited.
(Lots of goodies on the ground. Thank you! And they're in different locations.)


^ The southwest side of Dawn is where you have the camping grounds located.
And I like that you have very convenient lounging areas next to the Campsite. Very thoughtful.

^ Selecting one room for each of the humans' houses:
In Mayor Arabelle's residence, this room stood out most for me.
I genuinely like the presentation of the villagers' pictures.

^ In Juliette's house, this kitchen/dining room combination is eye-appealing and friendly.
I would suggest moving the lamp to the west
side, next to the Exotic Table,
and relocate the Minimalist Ottomans against the east
—so that you're not walking into the furniture as you arrive to this room on the second floor.
It's a really good room!

^ In Alice's house, this Mushroom room is versatile and makes for a fun visit.

^ Saving my favorite image for last:
I love the way these Illuminated Hearts are displayed in Dawn.
There is a sweetness to the Fairy-tale-friendly town.
And these Illuminated Hearts highlight what you have strived to achieve.
It's a wonderful scene to look at! (To…take in.)​

This was fun, Arabelle!

Credit to you, as well, for a good, consistent flow of those beautiful paths when exploring the town.

I do find that early-April is my favorite time for the overall image of the outside of one's town. (Yours too?)

With my three active towns—and if you haven't visited any of them—I recommend ACNLpics. (Its Dream Address is my signature.) In that town, the human houses are museums of "Animal Crossing: New Leaf's" villagers' pictures.​
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View attachment 138957
^ Selecting one room for each of the humans' houses:
In Mayor Arabelle's residence, this room stood out most for me.
I genuinely like the presentation of the villagers' pictures.

View attachment 138958
^ In Juliette's house, this kitchen/dining room combination is eye-appealing and friendly.
I would suggest moving the lamp to the west
side, next to the Exotic Table,
and relocate the Minimalist Ottomans against the east
—so that you're not walking into the furniture as you arrive to this room on the second floor.
It's a really good room!

View attachment 138962
^ Saving my favorite image for last:
I love the way these Illuminated Hearts are displayed in Dawn.
There is a sweetness to the Fairy-tale-friendly town.
And these Illuminated Hearts highlight what you have strived to achieve.
It's a wonderful scene to look at! (To…take in.)

This was fun, Arabelle!

Credit to you, as well, for a good, consistent flow of those beautiful paths when exploring the town.

I do find that early-April is my favorite time for the overall image of the outside of one's town. (Yours too?)

With my three active towns—and if you haven't visited any of them—I recommend ACNLpics. (Its Dream Address is my signature.) In that town, the human houses are museums of "Animal Crossing: New Leaf's" villagers' pictures.​

Oh wow, thank you SO much for taking your time to take all the screenshots and upload them!! <3 I love all your pictures.. it must have taken you so long >.< I really appreciate your comments =D I'm going to bed soon but I will visit your dream town for sure tomorrow! c: & great suggestion on the kitchen in Juliette's house! To be honest, it's been a long while since I worked on her house.. my latest work was on Alice's house and her theme, so yeah.. c: I wish I could plant some cedar saplings around my campsite, but sadly it's all the way in the South.. >.< but others all seem to like my campsite area.. lol glad you liked it too c: again, thank you so much, I really appreciate it!​
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You utilizing those paths (I have the same ones in my town, well, *had* until I decided to begin redoing everything) in such a beautiful way makes me feel ashamed for ever having used them! Not in a bad way of course, but the way they blend in with such a beautiful town just makes me feel very silly for putting them in my shabby looking town. You've definitely inspired me to do better with my landscaping when I finally begin on doing it!
@sdj4148 - town: Sapphire

wow, the roses (white, blue and gold) look great by the plaza c: and I like the location of the plaza.. i know lot of people prefer in the middle of the map.. very nice c: all the gyroids are so fun in your mayor's house! & I like the customized set on the left room.. is it customized blue set? Looks simple & neat c: Study room looks very nice in the basement too.. (I think I got you some of the stuff haha) oh, btw cedar saplings only grow in top half of the map.. I just saw some of them wilting in south ;__; and nice spot for campsite.. cedar trees around it adds a nice touch.. c: (my campsite is all the way in south so I couldn't plant cedars in my town xD) I really like what you've done so far and I bet it's going to look even nicer when you add more flowers and PWPs! c: great job ~ oh, you could add some presents/clothing around the plaza for dream visitors if you want c: (your town was updated at night and I'm wearing pajamas so I fit okay tho hahah)

Thank you! I notice that the trees were wilting and I'm planning to replace them with regular saplings once I get some more. I love your wonderland themed house! Obviously some hard work was done there (oh and thanks for complimenting my dark blue room but once I get the sweets set, I'm going too make it kinda cafe themed) Ah! You even have a Romeo & Juliette themed character! And all your paths are so cute! I never really got into paths but maybe I'll try :) Anyways, your town is so lovely! I know you had to work hard on it
You utilizing those paths (I have the same ones in my town, well, *had* until I decided to begin redoing everything) in such a beautiful way makes me feel ashamed for ever having used them! Not in a bad way of course, but the way they blend in with such a beautiful town just makes me feel very silly for putting them in my shabby looking town. You've definitely inspired me to do better with my landscaping when I finally begin on doing it!

Not sure which paths.. Did you have the same main paths i have? Light pink ish one with flowers.. I know that one's pretty popular~ i see it pretty often in other towns & dream towns xD. Well, i tried quite lot of paths myself until i found the ones i really like and fit in my town. I'm pretty sure you will find the ones that will work for your town c: thank you so much for visiting! <3

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Thank you c: glad you liked it.. Oh if you just need regulat saplings, i could come over to your town and use my golden shovel to bury 1000 bell bags.. Theres a small chance of becoming money tree & it works like planting a regular saplings c:
@Candy83 - Town: ACNLpics

So many goodies by the plaza! c: I had fun picking out my outfit and eating all the ice cream lol. Wow your town is so stunning! Love the paths, and flowers and bushes are so beautifully placed. Great job. I love how all the houses are lined up! <3 and whoa, so many pictures xD it really feels like im visiting a great museum.. Nice touch with sofas, balloons, and your characters dressed up in uniforms xD it must have taken you forever getting all the villager pictures.. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your DA! I spent a loooong time dreaming of your town :3
I'm dreaming of your town right now. Really liking what I'm seeing so far. :D
First of all; congrats on a wonderful town!

Your town is lika an explosion of colours - flowers and decorative paths everywhere. Plenty of bushes and trees. That's what I wanna see. :p You've got some great villagers too. Tia and Muffy are two of my favorites (I used to have Muffy in my town. Good memories). The fairytale bench area by the cliff was just perfect!

I liked all three of your characters and their houses too. Especially Alice's Wonderland-themed house. The main room (the one with the tea party) is one of the coolest rooms I've seen. The clock room and your main-characters mermaid room, in which you beautifully incorporated the rococo furniture, were also some of my favorites.

I really enjoyed dreaming of Dawn :)
@Candy83 - Town: ACNLpics

So many goodies by the plaza! c: I had fun picking out my outfit and eating all the ice cream lol. Wow your town is so stunning! Love the paths, and flowers and bushes are so beautifully placed. Great job. I love how all the houses are lined up! <3 and whoa, so many pictures xD it really feels like im visiting a great museum.. Nice touch with sofas, balloons, and your characters dressed up in uniforms xD it must have taken you forever getting all the villager pictures.. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your DA! I spent a loooong time dreaming of your town :3

I'm glad you were able to visit ACNLpics.

I have a thread about the town that was created and posted last January: @ http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?254000-Introducing…-ACNLpics-!&highlight= .

It took me five months to put it together.

If you ever get around to checking out the newer town, Foster, you may like it for the map. (Others do.)

@ http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?299213-New-Town-Foster&highlight=

It's very tough to plan a town from the moment you begin it. So, I know that you have made great efforts to put together Dawn. And I'm sure you appreciate it even more on days in which you are having an easy time leisurely navigating it.
First of all; congrats on a wonderful town!

Your town is lika an explosion of colours - flowers and decorative paths everywhere. Plenty of bushes and trees. That's what I wanna see. :p You've got some great villagers too. Tia and Muffy are two of my favorites (I used to have Muffy in my town. Good memories). The fairytale bench area by the cliff was just perfect!

I liked all three of your characters and their houses too. Especially Alice's Wonderland-themed house. The main room (the one with the tea party) is one of the coolest rooms I've seen. The clock room and your main-characters mermaid room, in which you beautifully incorporated the rococo furniture, were also some of my favorites.

I really enjoyed dreaming of Dawn :)

Aw thank you for taking your time to visit & so nice comments c: i really like the tea party room in Alice's house too lol it was fun decorating her rooms. Think i had a screenshot of fairt tale bench area (by the cliff) when there was rainbow.. I will try to find it xD anyways, thank you again, and i will visit your da too when i get a chance! C:

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I will check out your other towns and threads lil bit later c: I'm excited to see them! lol