I feel like a lot of my unpopular opinions are pretty popular on here, but:
Modern music is trash
Slang is stupid
I don't care about celebrities, their drama, or falling in love with them, and I don't get the obsession over "boy bands"
I've never actually listened to kpop or jpop but I don't get why it's so popular and it's kinda annoying seeing it everywhere on the forums
Swearing every other word doesn't make you look cool
I dislike dancing
The arts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sports
Being non-white, LGBTQA+, a minor, etc. isn't an excuse for you to act like an a$$hole
Abusive/toxic/pedophillic/incestual/etc relationships aren't okay even if it's fiction, and if a ship you ship falls in to one of those categories, no matter what AU you create that changes who the characters are, their personalities, ages, families, etc. the relationship is still abusive/toxic/pedophillic/incestual/etc and it's still wrong
Shipping real life people unless they're actually a couple is gross
I don't get the obsession with Youtubers, like I love a bunch of popular lets players and stuff and I watch them often but I'm not head over heels for any of them; I feel like Youtubers are starting to have the same kind of squealing girl fanbase as a lot of """hot"""" boy celebrities used to- what am I saying, this started long ago didn't it
Just because you're Christian doesn't mean you have to be a homophobic a$$hole
More makeup doesn't make you look better; I have no problem with it but some people I know don't know when enough is enough
Selfies are stupid, even the word is stupid. I follow a bunch of my friends from school on Instagram normally for no other reason than the fact that I know them, and hooooooooo boy, 99% of their feed is selfies, bad ones too with a bunch of filters. And all their friends are commenting those stupid cat heart eyes emojis. And I so desperately want to say "your selfies suck" but I know all I'll get is backlash from their cult following of friends, even if I say something constructive like "oh maybe you should use less filters." And most of these girls are between 12-14 (many of them have had accounts even before then, I started about a month ago) and they're trying to look so hot and sexy in their photos, like ofc they're not sending nudes or anything, but it's just. Really stupid. (Gets kinda off topic here) And also, these kids are perfectly comfortable with sharing a big bunch of their personal info online. Including the abundant amount of pictures of themselves, they also show off their last name, the school they go to, their teachers, etc. While many of them keep their feeds private until they accept your follow request, they still usually have a bunch of info in their profile, while everyone can see. Majority of them say they only follow their close friends and their parents keep a good eye on their account but anyone can stumble upon your account wether or not they're your friend and I don't think the parents are doing a good enough job.
The dog snapchat filter needs to burn