I looooove the Trump-threads!
Also I dislike Nutella, as well as peanut butter
The Harambe meme is stupid. It's truly confusing how many men want to stick their genitals out for a gorilla that got shot???
- I find it quite poor taste when these things go around on social media to supposedly raise awareness of cancer by posting black and white photos of themselves looking their best. That isn't the reality of cancer and I don't believe it does anything to raise awareness. Could just as easily start fundraising if people really want to help.
idk why but I just kinda got into lulu lol and yea as much as I want to be on board with sun and moon idk if I can. I mean, I am still getting the games but...^Yesss I loved that Lulu album, think I might still have the CD somewhere.
Lol at all those edgy music journalists bashing 'em.
And yeah sun/moon starting to look really trashy idek if i will get it tbh
idk why but I just kinda got into lulu lol and yea as much as I want to be on board with sun and moon idk if I can. I mean, I am still getting the games but...
Some country can be nice, like Johnny Cash and stuff but if it gets too hillbilly or stereotype it's just annoying...
Agree it looks weird with some people wearing certain stuff, but yeah as long as they don't look ridiculous I usually don't care.
Yeah, I probably sounded like I make faces anytime I see certain things. I don't have a problem with country, it just REALLY isn't my cup of tea. I don't bash on country fans though. Same thing with the clothing issue, I'm not outwardly rude or mean or judgmental about any of the things I dislike. I try to be as kind as possible to everyone, even the people I dislike. Some clothing will be a little tight or form fitting, but what I'm really referring to are girls wearing super tight booty shorts and stuff. I don't care how big or small you are, if you look bad in it, you look bad. I'm not exactly some cute, skinny thing myself, but I try to be somewhat reserved with my clothing. Even skinny girls can get fat rolls sticking out of places if their clothes is too tight, and it's unattractive to me and a lot of people I know personally :s I shouldn't complain about people having high self esteem, because it can be good for you, but have some shame too please. Ooh didn't mean for that to seem ranty. I just never talk about this kind of thing lol.