Giveaway My villagers - Goose, Cherry, Bubbles, Soleil, Rizzo

Do you have any idea when you may be getting Cherry to move? Someone else has Big Top moving out and I want him, but to make room for both Big Top and Cherry I need one of my other villagers to move. I'm gonna try to get her to move, but I don't want to try to get Big Top if you think Cherry will be moving out soon.
I'm sorry, I don't know as I probably only have time to cycle out 2 more tonight. :( so it's all just chance I'm afraid D:
Ok, bob is moving next! I would like 2 million for him, any takers? I think I'm gonna stop now so I'll hold him overnight until someone offers something.
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I should be... But I'll be taking him into my 2nd town and paying you with my first town... Kinda confusing :3
Ok so can I pay you with my first towns character, then I will visit you again with my second town's character?
I'm so sorry, I was out tonight and I'm so tired so it's probably on hold for the moment :( I'm very sorry :(