Mythbuster: Will time traveling be possible in New Horizons?

All of this is true however it can be easily detected like Tomodachi Life did. No one is saying they will make it impossible, but should they choose, they can make it not worth your time. Resetting on the GameCube was such a chore that I never wanted to do it to manipulate the RNG, because Resetti's rants are incredibly long and annoying.

Woah. I think we all have a different interpretation for time travel. You mentioning that as well as auto saves implies you are referring to quitting without saving. In reality, time travel refers to skipping ahead days or vice versa. Example: Want to experience Christmas on launch day? Simple, time travel to Dec 25 2020.
No I get you. I don't see how my interpretation is different. Skipping forward/backward a day or a month is all time travel. However a lot of time travel is merely done to manipulate RNG. They could make that a chore, but like I said, I suspect they won't. Nintendo has shown very little interest in punishing time travel.

I was using Resetti as an example of how they made resetting annoying. They could easily detect time travel and make it annoying by having long rants or something.
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I don't really like time traveling anymore. Whenever I did it in the past, I screwed up really bad and always felt like I had to start over because of it. So, this time I won't be doing it. I always feel like I have to rush on things and I don't want that feeling anymore, so I'm basically going to take the new game nice and slow and if I don't finish something that day, I'll finish it the next day then.

Also, I don't think they will take time traveling out of the game. It's always been there, so there is no reason to just take it out of the game. We may not be able to change the time in the game, but there is always the Switch's clock, which is what I'm sure is what we will have to use in order to change the time.
I'm glad this thread exists because I was also trying to figure out how they could possibly prevent time travel. The answer is, with everything we currently know about the switch, it would be impossible. There could still be some piece of tech/programing we don't know about out there, but I doubt they would go to such lengths.

It's not a feature I'm going to use anyway, but I think if other's want to, it doesn't hurt anyone.
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i?m hoping that time travel will still be possible; i haven?t seen nintendo say anything about it so i will remain hopeful
I used to time travel like crazy then I stopped and just played day by day. The option was right there ingame for all of the previous games so I'd think that this feature will return.

I remember in the past games TTing would destroy your turnips and some other small things wouldn't appear as punishment, so maybe they'll bring that stuff back.
if time travel is possible i'm more concerned about the possible penalties for doing it. sometimes people have to deal with daylight savings or changing the time/date because of syncing issues or due to travel and it doesn't make sense to punish the player for that if you ask me.
I asked the nintendo dude I phoned yesterday and big surprise, he doesn't know.

I think if we set the clock forward the game will act like we haven't, as in, nothing will change in game. (Maybe)

I truly think they're going to block us in some way.
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Animal Crossing is not a competitive game so I'd be surprised if they made it impossible to time travel. I could see some penalties being put in place if you time travel backwards (eg. turnips rotting) but otherwise I'm not too worried.

If there are bigger penalties then Im sure the community will find a workaround like they did with Sword & Shield
In every mainline game it was possible to TT. It was even an feature ingame. I think Nintendo is aware of the people who work on festival days or mainly at night. And even if we can't TT ingame we can set the switch clock I think. I mean daylight saving time is a thing or moving to another country with a different time zone.

Why should Nintendo change this feature now? But we will know when the game releases :)
As I mentioned before, we're safe. Due the the way the mechanics operate, preventing time travel is 100% impossible without requiring the game to be always online, or atleast online everytime we load a save.

The fear of not be able to time travel comes from a translation where they stated cloud saves would not be used as to prevent time manipulation. This refers to going back to old saves, not going forward/backward with calendars and clocks in game.

Also, since Nintendo has now confirmed they plan to add Cloud Saves at some point, everything regarding that translation is now irrelevant.
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You probably can time travel but if your going to time travel do it starting March 20, 2021 that way you can experience a full year naturally

I'm not going to be time traveling it really does ruin the fun of the game
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I will frequently tt within one day to make sure shops are open as I like to play for the first two hours of my day. That is usually at 5 or 6 am thanks to my I have usually set the game clock to whenever Retail opened. For awhile I was really grinding at making bells in the evenings and took island trips obsessively to catch beetles. I would tinker with the in game clock to get my hunting bounty sold at Retail as well.

The most nuts I ever went was going back and forth repeatedly to a single Gulliver day till I had answered all his questions and gotten all the souvenirs. It was tedious and I was happy I completed his items, but ultimately I was disappointed I had done it. It took all the fun out of coming across him on the beach. I won't do that kind of tt again. I did the same with Gracie's Fashion Checks as well. Got her boutique quicker, but took away alot of the fun of finding her in town on random days.
If Nintendo would just give us open shops from 5am to 12am that would solve a lot of people's time schedule incompatibilities.
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i’m hoping that time travel will still be possible - i wasn’t playing on doing it this time around as i don’t wanna speed through the game, but i’d still be really bummed to see that feature gone
if time travel is possible i'm more concerned about the possible penalties for doing it. sometimes people have to deal with daylight savings or changing the time/date because of syncing issues or due to travel and it doesn't make sense to punish the player for that if you ask me.

I COULD be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Switch auto adjusts for DST like how the system clocks on phones and computers do. I'm pretty sure my Switch did the time change on it's own because ever since DST started up, my Switch's clock still matches my phone and laptop and I didn't manually adjust it.

I agree on punishments for DST alterations from the Wii/DS/Wii U/3DS era as none of those clocks auto adjusted for the time change, and manually doing it yourself counted as in-game time manipulation in games that were synced to the system clock (Animal Crossing, Pokemon, etc).
i don't really know how i feel about time traveling being possible. on one hand, when i time traveled a day or two in a row in acnl or accf it felt good in the moment but when i stepped back i felt like i cheated myself. on the other hand, time traveling wasn't really a bad thing for me if i just wanted my stores to open. i'm even more conflicted because compared to when i played acnl, my sleeping habits and schedule is even more eccentric so i might play at 3 am my time and have nothing to do because everyone's sleeping and all the stores are closed. i don't think my schedule is so bad that i'll miss a day or so of playing, but there's always the possibility that i may suddenly slip into a coma and miss a villager's birthday. i guess i hope it's an option because there are practical reasons to use it, but i'll probably find myself trying to use is sparingly because if i don't my limited self control will evade me like my sleep lol

i wonder, though, if i'd rather it be possible to time travel within the game or with the console? if it's in game i may be tempted too often, but if it's with the console i might be hesitant because that feels like it could mess things up more easily.