Names you hate?

alexandra (gtg), bob, rich/richie and billy. billy just sounds weird for a grown up name. also cannot stand when it's spelled billie. also basically any name that has an unnecessary add-on or that's 'unique' on purpose to the point where it's cringe - for example, dororeo
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tbh I really love old lady names, especially things that start with m. like Marilyn and Muriel and Mabel. idk
I don't really like names like Brittney and stuff
tbh I really love old lady names, especially things that start with m. like Marilyn and Muriel and Mabel. idk
I don't really like names like Brittney and stuff

I think they're both kind of extreme ends though. Brittany and the old lady names are kind of on opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm somewhere in between I think. I do actually prefer the old man names to the old lady ones. Girls names I prefer quite plain normal ones that never really go out of fashion. Brittany wouldn't be my first choice either ;) although I knew one once and she was just lovely, so no negative connections.

I really don't like this idea of making up names or spellings for names. Somebody I know has just named her baby lily...but it has an extra I and Liilly. She's also hyphenated it with mae.

I also think some names can be perfectly lovely on some people, but on others they just don't work. Like I know a girl called Beau, which to me will never work on a girl, no matter when I hear it. And I love Beau on a boy. Also, my cousin has named her little girl Ebony, also a lovely name, but she's blonde hair and blue eyes. So it just doesn't really fit for me. When I think ebony, I think a gorgeous black haired girl or lady.
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I don't really like Beau as a name in general, looks and sounds way too fancy and feel like "yeah we thought of other nice names but yeah this si the last resort bc it sounds really fancy and upper class lol"
I don't remember if I've said this already but I hate when people spell Aidan/Jarad/Kaydan/Jaydan with an A at the end like that, it looks dumb and I always wanna pronounce it wrong
I don't like names that are really really popular/common. Names like Abigail, John, Jack, Emily, Joe, etc... I know so many people who have the same names and I always wonder if they wished their parents named them something else. I don't hate them, but I'm just like come on. I know they're safe and classic names but could you really have not thought of anything else?
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Every single person named Connor I've met has been a butthole.

I also really hate the name Robert which has been ruined for me, like to the point where I won't be friends with you.
My best friend is actually named Connor, lol. He's a great guy, and a huge nerd.
Abigail, but when it's shortened to Abbie? It reminds me of abs, like the muscles, or abdominal.
I also dislike any variation of girls names starting with Cha, with the exception of Charlotte. (Chantelle, Channique, Chardonnay?)
I knew some of those at school, and all of them were really catty troublemakers.
The only names I hate are super outdated ones like Eunice or whatever and those alternate spelling/misspelling modern ones like Kayleigh, Alyx and Leuh.
Emmileigh, can't it just be spelled Emily>_>
Also hunter/huntress
Jessica, Abigail, Sydney, Conner, Bill, Vincent, Richard, Wolfgang

The only names I hate are super outdated ones like Eunice or whatever and those alternate spelling/misspelling modern ones like Kayleigh, Alyx and Leuh.


I dislike a lot of names that start with T and B. My mom almost named me Taren and thank God she changed her mind.