Names you hate?

My name, Abriana, I feel like it doesn't fit me very well.. It's just idk. I prefer the nickname i have, Abri
All these poor people lmao, most of these names aren't even that bad. I did go to school with a girl named Secretion though. I felt bad cause I remember a substitute teacher didn't believe her when she said that was her name. He thought she was pulling a prank.
I really dislike Dylan, Barbara, Ethan, Callum, Jordan, Daniel & William.
Bertha, Angus, Keegan, Daniel, Charles, Brody.

Lol I love this. Why is every person named Daniel a butthole? It seems to be universal.

I hear the following names way too much. It might be because I’ve been in Catholic school my entire life, but to me these names are painfully basic.
- Katherine or another of many god forsaken spellings of this name
- Ann/Anne/Anna
- Madeline, Madison, Maddie
- Marie (common middle name)
- Elizabeth (another middle name)
- Luke
- Matthew
- Isabelle, Izzy
- Any combination of these names (ie. Mary Kate, Anna Kate, etc.)
- Jackson/Jaxon/Jack
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In regards to above, most Daniel people I knew/know are nice lol.

also, Bim. yes that's a real name. like.. why.
Also a lady from work was gonna name her baby girl Godswill and I made the most uncomfortable face ever. Even I can come up with better Christian baby names. It sounds like Goodwill the thrift store lol. Luckily she decided to make it a middle name instead.
ethan bc of a person i knew
lmao old threads are fun, i even forgot about that person. it's a nice name i guess.

i really dislike typical, ugly swedish old men names like sven, glenn, bengt, sten, kurt... i guess that's the uhhh agephobia in me idk but i would never name anyone (not that i'll ever name anyone other than a cat or a dog lol) anything like that.
If a name can be spelt with a "C" or a "K" I usually really dislike the "K" version of the name. It just looks uglier, I don't know why.

If a name can be spelt with a "C" or a "K" I usually really dislike the "K" version of the name. It just looks uglier, I don't know why.

ngl alternate spellings are worse than first letter

like if you want to name your kid crystal/krystal don't make themwrite it Khryshtahl or **** man lol
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Guy- what the heck is that!
Hailey- valley girl bully memories
Chad- Lul you know why.
Bailey for a

sorry -if you have one of these names it’s not you! It’s just the name:C
I was told I was almost named Twyla.
My great aunt told my mother it sounded like "toilet"
Not a fan of the name either , I dodged a bullet there.

Definitely not a fan of people over complicating the spelling of their names either.

Like for example Jason being spelt
I was told I was almost named Twyla.
My great aunt told my mother it sounded like "toilet"
Not a fan of the name either , I dodged a bullet there.

Definitely not a fan of people over complicating the spelling of their names either.

Like for example Jason being spelt
I actually like Twyla, it doesn't sound like toilet or someone made up a weird pronunciation here...

And yeah like if your kid's name is "jason" don't make em spell it "jayyshun" or **** lol
Any name of a person who bullied me as a kid, or someone who is a butt to me.

Also when people take a normal name and make an overly complicated spelling variant of it, to the point that your spelling variant it wrong and you made it pronounced differently now even thou you SWEAR its that basic name. Why would someone name their child a basic name only to have it made complicated? It's not unique you just made it twice as worse, a bland name that you butchered.

I don't dislike people with my name, but I dislike my (real irl) name cause there are TOO MANY spelling variants of it. Not only that, but it is a basic *** name and no matter how many vowels you swap, no matter how many constants you replace and add, it is still a basic boring generic name. It's so hard to find a keychain with your actual spelling variant when your name can be spelled several different ways. Plus it doesn't really fit me. I'd like to think I'm not basic and boring and would like to change my name to something that fits me better and is 'me', not every other basic girl out there who shares a version of my name.