Hi there! I'm the one with the order involving ZebraNaomy
Mayor Name: Melvin
Town Name: LeoLand
Friend Code: 5300-9060-2887 (this can be left out)
Dream Address: 4800-2236-4901
Villagers: Pietro, Savannah, Ruby, Ankha, Lobo, Tangy, Barold, Renee, Cyrano (I only have 9 at the moment - when I get my 10th I will let you know who it is!)
Names under sprites?: Yes
Which tiny font? (For names under sprites): Minecraftia, but if that doesn't work then silkscreen (maybe silkscreen would be better with the fonts listed below ?)
Town name format: (ex: Sunshine - Mayor Nathan, ect) Leoland - Mayor Melvin
Sprite marking: Hmmmm I'm not quite sure what this means. If it's to mark dreamies, then it's not needed c:
Sprite arrangement?: (Zig zag, straight line, ect) Whatever is fine along the bottom, without covering up the butterflies :3 (and maybe not the rock if it looks weird to have them on there ?)
Font: I found this one I liked, for the town name:
(either using the () or [] to make the squigglies around the name)
In the shorelines preview picture, I really like the font paired with that very basic one above it that says "The Branded Quotes" so if you think something like that would look good for the mayor name and dream address underneath that would be cool
Font Color, Gradient, or Glow Text? Unf, I can't decide, whatever looks best I'll leave it up to you *___*
Background: https://49.media.tumblr.com/7b241f3101b737d558631c20d48946c0/tumblr_mx0bb3sX8u1ro861co1_500.gif
Shape?: The regular rectangular shape
Rounded Edges? Yes
Border? (If yes what color) If it looks significantly better with a border then a tiny one would be fine, otherwise none c:
Animated? Yes
Other Info: (Native fruit, timezone, small quote, ect) My native fruit are apples!
Anything else? I would like the town name, mayor name, and dream code included (if it fits, I think "dream address" looks prettier written out than "DA"). The native fruit would be cool too, but you don't have to write out native fruit, maybe just stick an apple sprite(s) in one of the trees or something xD
Yeah, I dunno it's sometimes hard to pick these things out without seeing it, so make adjustments as needed! Thanks!