Forced to stay. Will work on being better. :>
You just changed my (island) life.
That is so awesome! I just made a mushroom wand and it's actually super cute!! Granted, I do like the different styles of mushrooms we get (flat top where you at?) but seriously this is a great compromise! Thanks so much! ^o^
Also, do you happen to have any screenshots of the froggos? I don't have any frogs and they aren't around right now, so I'm curious how they look.
I do love the mushroom lamps, and I totally overuse them! Along with the Nova lights haha.
They aren't super ~natural~ but I could especially see the white version fitting the theme really well. c:
Screenshots? I can get you some yee, you could also visit if you'd like to see how I hide em for ambient noise. Lemme snag that screenshot for ya real quick :>
EDIT: Sadly they don't emit light like the mush lamps and the lot, it's a very soft light. I'll snag a few screenshots of what it would look like in a path setting.
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