I open now
Oh my, please reopen it ^^
I open now
I can give you a pink tulip if you give me one pic of stitches.
Yeah, i know. I have 1 blue violet and 1 pink tulip. If that is still not enough, I will post again when I have more.Sorry, this is not so fair.
Yeah, i know. I have 1 blue violet and 1 pink tulip. If that is still not enough, I will post again when I have more.
i have some pics even tho u already have them. Is it ok if i trade u those pics i have for some of your 7/11 items or something else like turkey?
I also have some purple pansies. I had a very hard time breeding them.
Do you still have Fang's, Whitney's and Chief's pictures? I would trade you some that you don't have
Can I offer Angus's pic and Shari's pic for a dango and yut board please?
I have a question.
For hybrids, how many DLC's are you willing to trade? I have a lot of the ones you mentioned in your want list.
Finally I have 20 pictures to trade
Zipper (visitor)
Blanca (Visitor) I had a hard time to get this one lool
Doc x3
Ken x3
Olivia x4
Curt x2
I can also add some flowers in your list,I can give you
20 blue roses
4 purple pansies
6 blue violets
Ok I've checked the first post
This is what I would like to have from your list
yut board
sparkling cider
birthday set
Just tell me if all I have to offer is enough for them
Actually I don't need Whitney's pic anymore but I'll trade you Snake's and Winnie's pics fro Fang's and Chief's
Not sure if you saw this, but is it possible to pay for duped DLCS rather for pictures? I have some, but would you be willing to sell me DLC from kor/jap for bells?
I hope I have enough on my list to change. You say me?
P.D: Kid Cat appeared in the Police Station