would like to order the following...
nook mile items:
- 2x white park clocks
- isabelle
- katrina
- label
- adventure
- agent kk
- aria
- ballad
- bazaar
- blues
- bossa
- cafe
- casbah
- chorale
- comrade
- cruisin'
- dirge
- disco
- etude
- faire
- flamenco
- go kk rider
- groove
- gumbo
- house
- i love you
- king
- lament
- marathon
- march
- mariachi
- metal
- moody
- mr kk
- my place
- neopolitan
- oasis
- only me
- pondering
- rockabilly
- rockin'
- safari
- samba
- ska
- sonata
- soulful
- spring blossoms
- stale cupcakes
- steep hill
- steppe
- surfin'
- synth
- tango
- techno
- waltz
- wandering
- western
Sure thing, I'll gather everything starting now. I'll PM you once it's all ready. Thank you!