New Computer! : O

Uhm, not sure right off the bat, but it's uberly fast, and has 70 gigs left for me to eat up. >:D
I'm getting my hard drive wiped. I'm saving all my important files to a CD.

I took off the sticker that has the specs, but I think I had 80 gigs and 2.2 gigahertz.
Mino said:
I'm getting my hard drive wiped. I'm saving all my important files to a CD.

I took off the sticker that has the specs, but I think I had 80 gigs and 2.2 gigahertz.
Yeah, that's a good thing to do after a year or so of downloading useless files, like I do.

Bulerias said:
Mino said:
I'm getting my hard drive wiped. I'm saving all my important files to a CD.

I took off the sticker that has the specs, but I think I had 80 gigs and 2.2 gigahertz.
Yeah, that's a good thing to do after a year or so of downloading useless files, like I do.

i had to get a new hard drive once >___< viruses suck...
Bulerias said:
Mino said:
I'm getting my hard drive wiped. I'm saving all my important files to a CD.

I took off the sticker that has the specs, but I think I had 80 gigs and 2.2 gigahertz.
Yeah, that's a good thing to do after a year or so of downloading useless files, like I do.

i had to get a new hard drive once >___< viruses suck...
Yeah, now I'm super-cautious of viruses n'stuff... the computer came with Mcaffe for a month or so, and Norton for a month, too.
I realy need a new computer as well. My current one is all... Messed up with viruses McAffy can't seem to see. Also, Gametap doesn't work on Windows 98 >.<
THis guy made a post of some good programs besides McAfee and Norton that can help keep your computer safe. Most of them are free too.

:) The bottom part is about keeping your password form getting keylogged and it probably won't apply.
X Drummer X said:
I know most of you are being cautious about being hacked, and these are some of the good anti-virus programs that would be recommended to download.


::Anti-Spyware Programs (Usually these pick up keyloggers)

Name: Microsoft Anti-Spyware (Also acts as a FANTASTIC firewall)
Rating: 10/10 (Best I ever had)

Name: Spy Sweeper
Rating: 9/10 (Excellent)

Name: Ad-Aware SE Personal
Rating: 8/10 (Very good)


::Anti-Virus Programs

Name: AVG
Rating: 10/10

Name: S-T-I-N-G-E-R
Rating: 10/10

Name: Trend Micro
Rating: 9/10 (Excellent)

Name: Spy Bot Search & Destroy
Rating: 7/10 (It's alright.)



Name: ZoneAlarm Security Suite
Rating: 10/10 (AMAZING!)

Name: McAfee Personal Firewall Plus
Rating: 10/10 (AMAZING!)


::port Scanners (Advanced users)

Name: Advanced Port Scanner 1.2
Rating: 8/10 (Very good)


::Other tips and important info to keep you safe

-Mozilla Firefox alternative browser

Another good thing to download would be Mozilla Firefox. It's an alternative browser. It's 10x better then Internet Exploer, and doesn't have stupid pop up ads and spyware such as those stupid toolbars that get installed without you knowing into your browser. The ]Always keep your computer up to date by downloading the latest windows update for your computer at[/color]

Made by X Drummer X
I got Microsoft Anti-Spyware, and I had Zone Alarm obn my old one, so I'm going to download it later on, when my Norton expires.
