I'm still not earning Fear Essence. :c

I think everyone has stopped earning it. I'm not earning anymore either.

Like someone others have said: they are probably just testing some stuff. So honestly it will probably be reset once the actual event starts.
bruh if we wanna get hyped about a halloween event by golly we're gonna get hyped!!

be as excited as you want. i was saying that in regards to freaking out about currency being broken, like urging staff to fix it and whatnot
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Tbh I hope you only earn it from posting in the woods
It’ll stop random spamming on unrelated things I guess

Edit: I’m still earning it? Also you earn it from viewing stuff which is good for me cause I don’t wanna post a lot XDDD
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I just thought you could only earn so much a day to prevent people from spamming boards and such.