For me it is, anyway. Other people are saying it's working fine but my transaction log hasn't noted any posts I've made in the Fear Essence category for the past 30 minutes.

Okay, let me test this: I'm at 343 right now.

Edit: Yep, it's broken ! It's also weirdly still showing up in my transaction log, but not actually giving me anything :eek:
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It stopped for me too at 140. Makes me wonder if this is suppose to be like that or if it's broken...
I'm not earning anymore either. What a horrible event start. XD
I've been receiving fear essence from viewing threads! Spooky, I don't know if I even want it yet!
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Well mine has stopped at 22 so I didn’t even make it to 30 :( please fix someone

- - - Post Merge - - -

None of what I have earned has even been recorded in my transaction log
the event hasn't even started yet, they're probably still tinkering with things so there's no need to get excited (whether positively or negatively really) about it right now.
the event hasn't even started yet, they're probably still tinkering with things so there's no need to get excited (whether positively or negatively really) about it right now.

You're probably right. They might be still tinkering things just a bit. After all, this is new currency we are dealing with. :p
Oh right! The essence dissapeared from my transaction log! It was there before.
Ooh! Spoopy time! I'm so excited to see what it is!